Hi Everyone,
Serena - beautiful weather, but getting too hot for me!!
Well, to update, I met my ex and his son in Tesco cafe on saturday morning. It wasn't too bad, right up until he asked me if I'd registered the birth yet. I said yes. So he asked if he was on the birth certificate. I said I wasn't allowed to put his name on it as he wasn't present and we weren't married. (Which is true) He started getting nnoyed and saying how I'd deprived him of "almost everything you could have". He then asked what name I'd registered him in, so I told him "my name". He then said he could never forgive me for that. He started being very difficult. I started feeling shaky and sick. I first off tried to move on and talk about our baby, but he kept saying things like "Ican't believe you've done this to me. I can never forgive you". He was asing me why etc etc . In the end I got a little annoyed and told him that since I had been pregnant, and then gone through labour to deliver the baby and was doing everything for him, that I felt I deserved to call my son by my name. He was still going on and on. Then it struck me that he was just upset because he saw our son as a possession and wanted his name on that possession. He was taking it all as a personal insult to his manliness or something.
I got more annoyed and told him he had done nothing to deserve a part in our son's life and that if he wanted his contact to increase then he would have to work at regaining my trust and being a good parent. (Something I don't think he will ever do) He even woke the baby up just so he could cuddle him. When I said "oh don't wake him up" he got annoyed and said "well, I don't have much time with him". My darling little man rewarded his sperm donor by crying for the rest of the time.
The visit carried on (longest hour of my life) in much the same way. I felt worse and worse and was struggling to hold it all together. In the end he made one comment too many and so I said "you nearly caused me to lose this baby with the stress you put me under. You didn't care then, so why pretend now?" and walked out.
I knew he wouldn't be happy about that. Not only had I said what I had, but I had dared say it in a public place and then walk away from him. I walked so fast out of there as i was terrified he would come after me. Luckily, he didn't walk as fast as me and so I had managed to get the baby strapped in to my car and was just getting in the driver's seat before he found me. HE blamed me for my attitude "when is this anger going to stop". A few more stupid comments "what have I ever done to deserve this" and then I snapped at him that the problem he had was all about his big fat ego rather than our son and drove off. I haven't heard anything since, but I am now really scared of the way he makes me feel and I don't think I can cope with contact. If I do agree to meet him again then I will have to take someone with me or something.
However, I am getting to the point of letting him take me to court for any contact. I have enough of his mad emails and yahoo conversations to prove the point of why I am scared of him and doubt his ability as a father so if he does get any contact it would have to be supervised and minimal.
I feel so crap now. I have been trying to get over it and be strong, but I hate the way he can affect me and make me feel this bad.
The only upside is that the situation I had feared for so long has now happened so I can stop dreading it and start coping with it.
Sorry for the ramble, needed to get it off my chest.