I know your intentions were good when you posted this to hope. I read t that, I can not help but wonder if I am the only one who feels it is a little bit wishy washy on the content.
We all love you and miss you at N-Partners and we were your friends, however if you would just see that you miss represented Marias post, and you misread everyones feelings for you, Golly hope your N drug you down but I hope you can find some way for peace, and I have to stop and wonder why people just can not understand the whole picture of this situation. I just can't help myself when I see so many contradicting things there.
Now please do not think I am trying to attack you, I am not. But sometimes it is not what is said, it how it is said that matters. In this quote from you:
don't plan to actively participate in this forum (or at this point, any forum) but did want to let you know that I (and others) care how you're doing. (BTW, I know I should stay out of this, but I honestly didn't interpret MariaTree's posting to refer to you at all, and I think Lisa meant well when she came over here -- so please don't feel like people are against you. I understand completely why you might be feeling defensive right now -- I'm sure I would be the same way in your place -- but you were and are well-liked over at N-Partners and I find it sad that you don't seem to believe that any longer.)
To say you understand completely how hope could think people are against her, making her a bit defensive to what everyone said, still hope refuses to believe she was liked there and how sad you feel for her because of her MISS PLACED PERCEPTION of her feelings.
I am sorry but I have to think it really should have just been stated like this, it would have meant the same thing. "Hope, sorry that you continue to misjudge your own opinion, sorry you can not see how wonderful we all were to you, and I am sorry that you can not trust me when I tell you that you were wrong and I was right and Hope, ya just gotta know that I think you are a sad individual because you just cant see what I see, so best of luck in your search for your version of life, it doesnt match mine.
I really am just speaking for myself here, but if I were hope I would not have received one itty bitty bit of comfort from that. IMHO that just told her if she could have played the game by the rules she would not have been ejected from the game. I realised the game was rigged, that is exactly why I forfeited. Gives me the pride that I stood up for what I felt was right, and gives the other side the sense of victory. Sometimes I feel you come out the winner when you lose. Hell, thought I lost losing my xN, who really lost there? Not me, he gave me a one way ticket to freedom.