Author Topic: Father-in-law  (Read 2095 times)


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« on: June 01, 2005, 09:53:44 AM »
Hi all! I've been gone for longer than planned and many things have happened. I hardly know where to start, but I think I'll start with what happened when the in laws came to visit. Oh well, when I first discovered the N-word and realized that this was what's wrong with my mother, I said to my fiancé that it sounded a lot like his father. F said that is father wasn't like my mother but agreed that he had some N traits. After that we didn't talk much more on the subject until his parents came to visit.... (Insert twilight zone-music here.) Probably because he was in a situation where he wasn't in control, dear FIL became super N. Not a pleasant five days I can tell you, involving everything from incessant complaining about everything (including implying that F used the "wrong" kind of vinegar for the sallad dressing on purpose just to get at him) and such charming statements as since he already has a granddaughter, he would prefer our child to be a boy, oh, and calling me an idiot, in a language I don't speak, while speaking to my F. F had four huge fights with him in five days.... I tried to stay out of them, but I couldn't all the time.

Anyway, after the first night (and the first fight), my F turned to me and said "Oh my God, he is completely N, he is exactly like your mother!" And over the next few days we would talk after his parents went to bed. The nightmare of these five days turned out to be a positive thing... I don't mean bcause we could agree on a "label" for FIL, but because F understood something he has never understood before... I suppose he came out of denial. He has always known that his father is "a pain", and also knows that he has picked up bad traits from him (which he has worked hard at changing), but somehow it feels like such a relief that he finally gets the width of it... I suppose part of it is feeling validated, since I saw that his father was N, but didn't want to push this on him (his father, his business, I reasoned) but also a huge relief that he has the ability to see this, a willingness to see things as they are rather than pretending everything is fine. We have become even closer now and it's a great feeling. :) He in fact suggested that I write about his dad here, and he sends his love to you all (well, I've talked about you guys for months now), I said that he could go on the board if he wanted to, there is nothing here that he doesn't know, but expressing himself in writing isn't really his thing...

Anyway, just wanted to share... Take care and talk to you all soon.
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2005, 10:42:31 AM »
That is a really positive step for you both to take, Sleepyhead.  It is not at all easy to see the truth about our families when we have been brought up to believe the lies, and accept the way they treat us as what we deserve.  

Well done both.   :)


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« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2005, 11:03:46 AM »
Hi Sleepy!

What an eye opener for F eh?   Jeepers!  4 fights in 5 days!!  What a time!

And all the insults!  Good for you for not losing your cool and stooping to his level!  You are very patient.

I'm glad this experience has brought you both closer together and that you are communicating about it.  I guess you will have to set some boundaries for the future eh?

Hope you are feeling well after all that!  Take care!!



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« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2005, 02:59:48 PM »
Hi sleephead.  Glad to see you back.  I'm sorry that you and your F had such a stressful several days with your inlaws. :( However, I am very impressed that your F took the experience as an opportunity to learn.  That says a lot about his character and willingness to confront unpleasant truths.  I think it also says a lot about your good taste. :D

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2005, 05:13:09 PM »
Good news!  You and hubby are now on the same page.

It doesn't sound like you will be rolling out the red carpet anytime soon for dear FIL.  :wink:

Glad your nightmare visit is over.



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« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2005, 06:12:08 PM »
Thanks guys!

I think it also says a lot about your good taste.

Thank you, but I have had N boyfriends in the past, and think it's mainly luck that I switched to the child of an N (makes you wonder about the rules of attraction...).

It doesn't sound like you will be rolling out the red carpet anytime soon for dear FIL.

Actually, it is easier now that we are in the same town... There is no need for overnight visits, and when we see FIL, the whole family will be there, which makes him easier to ignore. Also, normally, on his own turf, so to speak, at their place, or at a restaurant he has chosen, he isn't as bad as he was when visiting us... Or maybe I've just didn't notice it as much before? But more now that I know?

The thing I'm worried about now is that I will be seen as "bad", he said to f that f wasn't himself, and that he knew why he had changed, and it was such a shame that their relationship was destroyed... Strongly implying that I'm a manipulating b***h that has turned his son against him... I don't care if he feels that way about me, but I hope it won't influence how he feels about the baby. :(  Oh, well, no use worrying, or as they say: "Cheer up, it might not happen!"
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2005, 07:30:05 PM »

I wouldn't worry about FIL's reaction to your baby.  If FIL decides to be a jerk towards an innocent baby then it's his loss and his "bad".

Enjoy your pregnancy and life with your hubby.  

You are blessed!



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« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2005, 06:33:58 AM »
Hi Sleepyhead, Scandinavia eh? Cold? Warm? Green, beautiful? I hope so.

He in fact suggested that I write about his dad here, and he sends his love to you all (well, I've talked about you guys for months now)
I do this, mention ‘the board’ as if it's a good friend. Love to you and F too. :D  

Also, normally, on his own turf, so to speak, at their place, or at a restaurant he has chosen, he isn't as bad as he was when visiting us

It’s probably basic stuff? - when he’s visiting you he’s on a competitor’s turf (his son is his competitor for control of the local tribe?) so he has to assert his older authority by criticising etc. Very basic, animalistic, primitive. Hardly ‘thinking human’ really! I really dislike this sort of primitive display. But if you understand it, you can laugh about it later. :D

he said to f that f wasn't himself, and that he knew why he had changed, and it was such a shame that their relationship was destroyed... Strongly implying that I'm a manipulating b***h that has turned his son against him...
Oh yeah, bells ringing here! Whenever my mother felt threatened by one of my boyfriends, she’d say I ‘wasn’t myself’ with them. Absolute pap :P . As long as F knows this is BS, it’s okay. Who’s destroying their relationship? FIL is, no-one else. But he’s ready to blame you (project that BS right back babe!) What a jerk. :x  Sorry, I’m annoyed.

I don't care if he feels that way about me, but I hope it won't influence how he feels about the baby
He’ll probably be very scared and jealous of your baby. It will remind him of his own mortality too. Best not to worry about him. He’s out of your picture Sleepy.

Sorry for your F, it’s a difficult time for him. Is he okay? No denial setting in about his Dad (the old shock/anger/denial/acceptance etc loop)? F sounds pretty cool to me. As do you :D take care P