Author Topic: pathetic siblings  (Read 3496 times)


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pathetic siblings
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2005, 01:16:02 PM »
Deleted by Richard Grossman


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then and now
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2005, 02:04:13 PM »
i dont hold it against my sibs that they were better at dodging bullets and getting by when we were younger...... i DO hold it against them that they are not willing to stand up and do the right thing as free adults.

I agree. I thought we siblings were all on the same level in my family now, but clearly not. Once again I'm the outsider. But I don't care- my own family may not be living together or putting up a united front, but at least it's all genuine, honest transactions, and no b*llshit.

It's just a shame, I was so enjoying the lovely side of my sister, and sceptically wonder how much of that I'll see now she's 'gone native' again.


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pathetic siblings
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2005, 09:06:42 PM »
hi everyone, thanks for your replies. sorry this thread started a tiff  :}>

i know i watch these shows 'survivor' and all of that and these people just break down crying because they havent seen their family in 2 weeks or something like that......

it makes me know exactly how much we are going through, to go through a whole life with no family in any way.  its horribly painful and unnatural to be without people around you.

it takes a lot of strength of character which we should all be proud of ourselves that we have.