Hi Jophil,
I find women like you described truly repulsive, not attractive.
I had a fairly normal childhood and never felt that I needed to 'earn' my parents love, so maybe that is where it comes from.
All I can say is, when I see a woman acting like that, my reaction is sorrow at her insecurity and hollowness, not excitement at the prospect of being whip sawed.
In fact they are almost invariably really boring in my experience.
I mean, sure there's lots of drama, but its all about the N. That is a recipe for total boredom, in my book.
At least I find it incredibly dull. Maybe others don't, although it is hard for me to see how the infantile games this kind plays can be thought of as anything but tedious to the point of tears.
I'm sure a lot of people might find my wife boring, but after fifteen years she's cooler to me than when I met her, and I'm sure its because she is absolutely genuine. Authenticity is a lot sexier and more exciting to me than a phony, flamboyant train wreck in waiting.