Hi Guest 2, please do look for help as everyone else has suggested. I understand how frightening this kind of anger can be.
I know I am abnormal, I just don't know how abnormal I am and how much I can open up. I'm great at putting up a front.
I think you’ve already turned a major corner, made a big step, in admitting something ain’t right with you. Huge step! If it helps, I don’t think you’re crazy, not at all. There’s a load of garbage from your childhood that’s affecting your life today and it needs cleaning out. It’s a task, like any other. It can be done and you don’t have to do it alone, in fact, like so many things, you need an expert to help. With someone else helping you can feel less frightened and also treat this as something that needs to be done, like having a surgical operation.
If he will not go, I am going anyway, and I hope by now he can let me address these issues without doing his usual passive-aggressive sabotage.
This is about you and not him. Good for you for saying you’ll go without him. It doesn’t matter what he thinks or does about you doing this: how bad does it have to get before one of you does something? Better to get some help than have physical harm.
I do not really understand cutting. It is an attention-getting action?
No, it’s quite personal to the person who self-harms. But if I was you I’d think about myself right now and worry about his behaviours much later. You
can address and change what
you think, feel and how you behave: you
can’t change what he thinks, feels or does.
Keep posting. We care. portia