Hey again Guest2:
"The person you are may be seething with anger.....which probably needs to come out. Once it comes out......you will still be the same person, just feeling less angry. See what I mean? "
That is indeed logical. Until it comes out - how corroded are my insides going to get?
Yes it is fairly logical isn't it? How corroded are you going to allow your insides to get?
How much more twisted are my thoughts going to be? How much more will I realize or remember?
Thoughts do not hurt anyone but the thinker (if they are not nice thoughts and even then.....some are a good release).
If you realize and remember more, it will be a good thing because that means it will be coming to the surface, rather than hiding way down deep.
And when it comes out - who will be killed in the avalanche? This is the fear I have.
You can have an avalnache in a safe place, like a room with a pillow to punch and a teddy to hug or you can do it with the support of a therapist.
I suggest also trying a rape crisis centre. They should be able to refer you to someone who will help. This is not the end of the world. It might seem like it but it isn't. You can live through it and must ignor the fear, go ahead and try to work through all of your pain, imo.
I want a drug as insurance so I don't get all out of control again. I thought I had an old bottle of prozac...I'm going to search the house.
Please do not self medicate. If you really think you need something, go to emerg or to your family doc but don't try to do it on your own.
Will try to get off my bum and stop wallowing in it now.
Thata a girl and by the way, you're not the only one who's ever wallowed!
"I'm not sure that you have to get rid of anything you're built of. I'm not sure that is even possible." Please let it be possible. I am built of being ignored and devalued and told in every way possible to shut up and disappear. I want to tear that down and give myself some niceness. Otherwise what I am is coming out onto my kids and they do not deserve it.
It is indeed true, not just possible. What was ignored, devalued, told to shut up, disappear? Do you remember that person? What good qualities can you recall? You are still she.
When you listen to me and give me caring advice and words, I am building a little part of myself back with that.
So glad it helps. Please keep trying and posting and hoping. No quitting and giving up, ok??
If I seek help and tell the truth, will I be seen as a menace to my children?
More likely, you'll be seen as a person who cares deeply enough about her children to seek help and become a better parent. How about a parenting class? Would you consider going? Maybe your husband would too? That would be a really great thing to do! It won't hurt and it's really interesting to learn about different ideas of how to deal appropriately with children. It will help both of you to focus on the kids, which is soo important, right?
Ok here goes.....I'm smart (no wait, I didn't figure out that my husband who cuts himself has problems), um ok I'm nice (hey wasn't that me waving a butcher knife at him) ok scratch that, ah, I can whistle!
This is self defeating. Try again.
Tell us about a good memory, if you like?
Or something you enjoyed/enjoy doing?
Are you a good friend? Do you consider yourself a decent wife? A good mother? What do you like?
I think your wrote in the "anything" thread that you will be starting therapy soon. Yipeeeeeeeeee!!! Wonderful!!! Fantastic!!! Way to go!!!
Now that's a big step! Congratulations for taking it, for having the courage, for following through.
Another few good things about you........uses courage, moves past fear towards goal, whistles like a birdie!!
(I seriously loved the show "Andy Griffith Show" for that whistling song at the beginning).