Hiya Plucky:
My solution was a good offence. I realized that I was too nice. So I took steps to become harder, and became more careful about listening to my inner voice.
Good for you! I did something similar. I'm not sure I would call myself "harder" but definately stronger, less vunerable etc.
That inner voice does warn us but we don't always listen. I'm better at it now. I'm glad you feel not terribly worried now too.
Gee! And that guy when you were in your 30's? Another goof!! Cultural difference my sweet patootootie!! I think there was more to it than that!
My feelings at the time were that I had better keep it quiet. I think I felt like it was somehow my fault.
Your fault! You should not have gotten into that cab! All cabs contain potential rapists!!
Does that sound loonie to you? I bet you don't still think it's your fault!
I feel angry and sickened by his disgusting behaviour toward you! And...for the feelings he induced in you!!! The confusing guilt! The fear! I'm so sorry this happened to you, Plucky.
I think that now, I would commit murder rather than let myself be victimized again.
I sure hope nothing even close to that ever happens. The good thing about rage is you can keep a little for a rainy day. Never, ever use more force than absolutely necessary to protect yourself though, or you could end up being raped by the system. Make 'em think you will....sometimes works.
he wanted me to hide my past and as a result I felt even more shameful about it, and angry with him for not supporting me and even making it worse.
You didn't do anything wrong Plucky. It was not your fault. Not a bit. Your husband may be afraid of his own feelings in regard to what happened to you and it is selfish of him to want you to hide anything, imo. I don't blame you for feeling angry with him for making it worse for you. I wonder if he realizes he has made it worse for you? Doesn't matter, I guess, it's done. He doesn't sound very empathetic.
For me......I need to feel safe, so I have taken steps to help myself feel safer in the world.
What steps? What do you mean? And why do you feel unsafe? Do you feel safe now, after the steps you have taken?
I feel a certain amount of fear of this kind of thing, as I'm sure others do, in general because there are people in the world who prey on others. I don't lose sleep about it, or anything like that, but it crosses my mind and it dictates, actually, certain choices I make.
For instance, I wouldn't walk alone on city streets at night, if I could help it, these days because I'm older and can't run as fast as I used to be able to. I used to like to walk my dog, at 11pm at night, when I lived in the city, years ago. My dog was a white sheppard who weighed alot more than I did and hated men (sorry guys....that's just the way she was. Some man must have been mean to her before I adopted her???). You couldn't miss her in the dark and you could hear her growling and snarling from quite a ways away. Not many people would probably tango with her, if it could be avoided. Not many had the guts to even walk by her. Most people crossed the street quick. I felt very safe with her by my side. I also thought/think it's shameful that I must arm myself with a ferocious dog, in order to enjoy a leisurely walk, on a nice summer night. But that's the way it is and so....I give the shame to those who deserve it....those who might try to harm me!
One of the steps I've taken is to always keep big, scary dogs. That might sound a bit paranoid and it might even be a bit paranoid but....I'm happy being a bit paranoid or sounding so, in that case, as long as I feel safer. And I do. Believe me....my dogs are well trained and smarter than me....so they will know....before my instincts kick in.....who to bite/eat/tear to shreds..depending on the person's resistence/lack of common sense/ability to run really fast!!! (heeheehee

). And I'll be running the other direction, as best I can, dialing on my cell. Ofcourse, my dogs are useless against guns.....but......it will be hard to shoot them and me at the same time, if...the gun is still available and not in my dog's mouth, along with the hand that's holding that gun!
I feel safe enough now. I drive to most places because I live in the country now. I usually take a dog with me. I have experience and confidence, under my belt and that helps. I have/would use anger to protect myself, if needed and I know a few self defense tricks. I don't take unnecessary risks, which I have done but have learned by doing so. I don't look like a victim, either. Eye contact says a lot and I don't show fear very easily, even if I'm feeling terrified (conscious choice). A lot of this came one step at a time, beginning a long time ago so it's reflex now.
... that fear is triggered sometimes by things that might be commonplace.
It's ok to react to that fear. If you feel it, there could be a logical reason or just a gut instinct. I ignor fear totally when I'm cornered but otherwise I pay attention and decide if it's realistic. Some fears are.
One rule I learned is:
Decide what your attacker wants and give him/her the exact opposite.
Not only does this stun them, quite often, but it confuses them all to heck, giving you time to get away.
This happened to me once, when I was sitting, reading a book, on a subway train (I've had so many agrivating experiences on subway trains!!

) Anyway, this guy gets on, and stands infront of me, holds onto the bar that hangs from the ceiling with one hand and opens his trench coat with the other....revealing.....rubber boots, hairy legs and nothing in the way of clothing elsewhere. I glanced up from my book and saw......but didn't make eye contact and thought: "What does this jerk want me to do?" (Probably go....oooooooo.......eeeeeee.....help!! right?)
So I closed my book, carefully put it in my bag, took my time, did up my jacket, picked up my purse, then.....looked him straight in the eye.....thinking: "Fix you!"....then I looked down to his....you know.....then back in the eye.....then......
I broke out laughing as loudly as I could! Speaking loudly and choking on my laughing: "Ha!!! Look at that guy!! I can't believe it!! Never seen anything that small in all my life!! Too halarious!! Tried to scare me with that thing!! No way in h**L! " etc., getting up, walking away, not looking back, all at the same time.
The guy turned purple and got off the train at the next stop. I had walked to the other end of the car, where there were plenty of people and sat beside some big burley looking fellow, who looked like he thought I was nuts.
My worry was that if I didn't do something drastic, this guy might follow me, when I got off the train. I didn't like that idea at all.
another good rule:
Never be afraid to make a big, loud, ridiculous scene!
People pay attention to those. You may look like an idiot but you'll be an alive looking idiot!! (much better than some other choice idiots!!)
Hope you're ok Plucky. Sorry for this long one. Glad you're posting.