I think a one night stand can be kind of icky, from a germ point of view, or from a safety point of view, but it doesn't really have to be that big of a deal. If I have a night with a stranger and it results in some pleasure and nothing bad happens, I don't see why I should be forever damaged due to it. Unless I was bringing that damage or expectation of damage to the situation, and then it would actually be my own feelings and internal dialogue that created the damage.
As girls we got the message that we have to save it, and be pure, and be hard to get, and not enjoy it, and if not we are dirty, and worthless, and low. If that is the tape playing in your head, then of course it will be a traumatizing experience, even if in the moment you went along or even engineered the event.
So if you think deep down that ONS are really bad, obviously it is not for you. Or if you are using sex or attention as a drug. And for people with N parents, maybe there is more chance of that being a damaged area to avoid.
Personally, I have so many issues to address now, sex is the very last thing I want to throw into the mix. So, my opinion is hypothetical.