Author Topic: Conscious choice vs genetic predisposition in acts of spite and malice  (Read 30319 times)


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OR wrote:
Proverbs 9:7-8 he who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself and he who rebuks a wicked man only harms himself. Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you.
The first thought that comes to mind is, dealing with a person who has harden his heart towards others is a lose-lose situation.  All you get in return is grief.  So the best thing to do is distance yourself from them, b/c they are a hopeless case, imo.

I see your point and it is very logical.  I would totally agree except that what I was wondering was what if it's the "choice" part of the gene stuff that's missing?  In other words, if people who behave like N's, are equipped with enough social gear to act "reasonably normally" (let's say), in certain situations with certain people, but are driven to act "rather unreasonable and abnormally", when they feel most comfortable......around certain people, in certain situations and so the choice part is not really functioning the way it does for the average person (in other words they aren't really choosing to act but actually driven to react/or act by some unknown genetic factor?
I am left wondering why aren't there more N's in the world.  Becoming an N should be the norm from growing up in an N household, right?  So why are we the exceptions to the rule?  What spared us from having the mindset of an N?  No, need to answer these questions, they are merely random questions popping up.

This thread has really helped me to see that some of the things I was thinking were causing me more harm than good.  The good thing is....I can work on fixing that if I want to and I do.


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Hiya Butterfly:

I am left wondering why aren't there more N's in the world.  Becoming an N should be the norm from growing up in an N household, right?

That's exactly what makes me think there must be some genetics involved (besides the environmental influences).

What spared us from having the mindset of an N?

Maybe genetics??? :D :D :D


Thanks Butterfly.  Still praying for you and hoping things are going better for you.



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hi there! I do believe there is evidence of a genetic component to Nism. some interesting research on actual differences in the brain with N's, anti social, sociopaths and psychopaths. They all know right from wrong. They appear not to be hard wired- like the majority of humans- for empathy etc. There is research that with the other above mentioned personality disorders- i'll exclude Ns for the moment- not enough research yet- they have different brain activity in response to emotion laden words. There's a world leading researcher in Vancouver BC Canada- Robert Hare- who has done extensive research on these brain differences. Fascinating results. He did many studies with " normal" test subjects and those with personality disorders. He showed all lists of words and asked them to press a buzzer when they felt angry or upset by a word. List included words like- rape, death, fire, blood etc. "Normal" people obviously reacted and pressed the button. Antisocial et al didn't react at all- those words had about as much impact on them as neutral words- like chair, sign etc. He did PET scans and MRI's etc and they showed for the antisocials etc. their brain activity was largely restricted to the primitive brain- like animals- centres governing survival, breathing etc. regular subjects had the normal brain actiivty in the frontal lobes and other spots which govern emotions etc. So...these folks operate from an insect brain- take what they want with no emotion or appreciation of consequences. There is also emerging research that usually where there is one N in a family, there will be more. Ns etc have no conscience so I believe their actions are more nature than nurture. No one can teach or instill another with/about a conscience. Ns et al do what they know , are aware there is something wrong with them but are totally incapable of change. With regards to a N raised in a loving family, they may learn not to do harmful things only because they learn if they are caught, there are consequences TO THEM. They don't get that this behaviour is destructive to others, they only care what will happen to THEM. I firmly believe this same type of research with N brains will show very similar results.
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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 These people mame and hurt others physically, emotionally and mentally.  I have had a horrific experience with an XN that nearly cost me everything. I found out that this N has caused the same for many others.  One woman nearly lost her life, and what of the children that are affected, this man has five kids three of whom are in therapy and has affected several others(step children) with his lying manipulating and womaninzing.  I am thankful I will never have to deal with this again. I can only hope the next victim will be fortunate enough to heed the warning signs early.


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Sela wrote:
Still praying for you and hoping things are going better for you.

Thank you, Sela.  It is very much needed.  If you can specificly, plz pray for personal strength and not be suckered by guilt.