OR wrote:
Proverbs 9:7-8 he who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself and he who rebuks a wicked man only harms himself. Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you.
The first thought that comes to mind is, dealing with a person who has harden his heart towards others is a lose-lose situation. All you get in return is grief. So the best thing to do is distance yourself from them, b/c they are a hopeless case, imo.
I see your point and it is very logical. I would totally agree except that what I was wondering was what if it's the "choice" part of the gene stuff that's missing? In other words, if people who behave like N's, are equipped with enough social gear to act "reasonably normally" (let's say), in certain situations with certain people, but are driven to act "rather unreasonable and abnormally", when they feel most comfortable......around certain people, in certain situations and so the choice part is not really functioning the way it does for the average person (in other words they aren't really choosing to act but actually driven to react/or act by some unknown genetic factor?
I am left wondering why aren't there more N's in the world. Becoming an N should be the norm from growing up in an N household, right? So why are we the exceptions to the rule? What spared us from having the mindset of an N? No, need to answer these questions, they are merely random questions popping up.
This thread has really helped me to see that some of the things I was thinking were causing me more harm than good. The good thing is....I can work on fixing that if I want to and I do.