Hi Stormy:
What I mean by selfish is that maybe I'm only concerned with being merciful in order to justify asking for mercy for myself? Or maybe I'm beating myself up about stupid stuff because doesn't everyone hope for mercy?
Feel free to disagree with me here. But I think he was saying that we are finite, even though goodness itself is not. We are time limited, we become exhausted, we get used up. And for that reason, we shouldn't waste our best.... especially on the worst.
I agree with you. And I feel like I've given a pearl to a swine. That pearl was trust.
...there's an emotional component to the rejecting of the thing or person that is judged, kind of an 'ick factor'. When a person discerns, the result might be the same [it's a waste of my time to interact with X, they are abusive] but it comes from a detached place, there isn't the 'ick' aspect to it.
I haven't shown and don't feel contempt or disdain and I don't despise my abuser so by your definition of judging....vs discerning.....I guess I haven't judged. I have distanced myself from this person. Thanks for pointing this out Stormy. It helps.
So I think that bit about the pearls and the piggies has to do with discerning where to spend our limited lifetime supply of goodness and mercy, in order to have it do the most good - for both the recipient and for us. And we're being advised not to waste it. And I honestly think that if we can withdraw our investment of time and treasure from someone who has abused us, in a detached way so that it comes from discernment rather than judgment of the person, then we are still in a position to show them mercy. We're not trying to hurt them, we still wish them good... but any good that comes to them is no longer going to be paid for with our tears. And in that way, we are finally showing mercy to ourselves.
That's a really good way to think of it. I think I'll print that out and read it over and over until it sinks in. Really, it doesn't matter whether or not their behaviour was a conscious choice or not. It hurt me and I need to protect myself....show myself mercy, I guess, by adjusting my thinking. I'm giving my abuser's intention too much power..the power to hurt more. The fact is there were acts of spite and malice which hurt. Thanks Stormy. Somehow your words made me realize this.
Hi Brigid:
If they truly have no control over their behavior, why the HELL are we allowing them to fly airplanes, run large corporations, deliver babies, and transplant hearts. How can they be capable of those very important jobs, but not be able to control the way they behave toward certain individuals? Is the brain that selective that the presence of a particular person will send off signals to this n individual to start acting like an a$$hole and they can't help themselves?
These are very good points. Thankyou Brigid. You've helped me too. My abuser is a high school teacher and you're right....my abuser is pretty selective and does seem to have control over when and toward whom to act with spite and malice. I am the one who is despised and held in contempt by this person. The wiring in that brain works very well so often. It almost seems silly to think of their behaviour toward me as some genetic predisposition.
Hi Bunny:
So that leaves avoidance as the optimal idea. This does not erase pity, mercy, or compassion.
If you can accept that a person acts hatefully BECAUSE their internal template is that of hate and terror, then you can understand everything.
These two sentences hit home Bunny. Thanks. You're so right. My abuser's template is one of hate and terror so I do understand why this person acts hatefully (and is paranoid also). I am distanced from the person and by doing that I have not erased pity, mercy or compassion. But I was taking the behaviour more personally than necessary. Maybe it's what I represent that my abuser is so spiteful of and acts so maliciously against? That's why there was so much envy and jealousy, prior to those acts and probably contributing to those acts.
If you could detach from the abuser, and not feel their shame, or feel connected to their behavior even as their victim, but see yourself as a projection screen that you can leave standing and go away from it, I think your confusion will minimize.
What a great way to look at it. Thankyou Bunny. Thinking adjustment in progress.
Hi ITex:
Maybe they don't choose to change because like abusers they get too many benefits and rewards/entitlements for their behavior? That is the reason most abusers wont change, the benefits and entitlements outweigh the benefits of change.
Maybe? And maybe they're too terrified to admit their behaviour is malicious and spiteful and maybe they hate themselves for it but the idea of saying so is also terrifying?
I'm so sorry. ((((((((((Sela)))))))))
Thankyou ITex. The good news is I'm surviving and trying my best to thrive. I refuse to give up hope.
I guess the feeling I'm trying to describe my true self is annihilated or extinguished. I don't like those words but it best describes the overall feeling I have.
I think I know what you mean and I have felt that way myself but I have since decided that my flame was just made really, really small but it never went out. This place is like oxygen.
However for now and in the future it is keeping distance from them. I'm going to change some of that as well and have stronger boundaries. Years ago my therapist said that some parents don't deserve to have our attention. They are too toxic.
Good for you ITex! I'm glad your T is so supportive too! Spit out the poison!!
Thanks for interesting and thought provoking topic, Sela.
Thankyou for reading and thankyou for posting and thankyou for saying that. I really appreciate it.
Hi OR:
These Monkey brains can be motivated and have an agenda not easily broken.
A spiteful and malicious agenda.
God wants the pure in heart, so if the brain feeds the heart speaking lies, doing hate to others, attacking over and over with hurtful ways, the heart would be weak and empty ready to drop fast right into HELL.
If the heart is full of lies from a defective brain, GOD would know this and what is true in a mans heart.
Thankyou OR. For me this has been a spiritual question (the topic of this thread) even though it is also a sort of scientific one. But your words are very true. God knows what's behind the acts...whether it be genetic or conscious choice. You're really hit the nail for me. It's not up to me to worry about, is it?
I must do the safe thing for now and leave the battle for the heart/brain with GOD.
You are so wise, OR. I think it's time I did the same thing. Thankyou.
Hey again Stormy:
This is a longwinded way of saying I think Ns are made, but the material to make them from is present in all of us.
I'm so sorry your parents showed such favoritism toward your sibbling and I'm proud of your attitude of sort of....better your sib than you... and for recognizing that you have not learned to be selfish and disrespectful and nasty, dishonest, manipulative and greedy, and all the rest and you seem grateful for that. Good for you Stormy!!
Hiya Dogbittles:
I think it is easier on us to feel that they have a mental illness than to deal with the fact that they had choices and chose to use us as their receptacle for their anger and shame.
When I really think about what you wrote, and what has been bothering me, I now see that both of these are true. They do have a mental illness....they have to...in order to enjoy what they do or even to do it and keep doing it. And we are the chosen receptacles. I have tended to think...why me? What did I do to deserve this? What's wrong with me?
But that's really not really it. These people will always choose someone to use as a projection screen (as Bunny put it.....thanks again Bunny). We just happen to be convenient or handy.
Once they have chosen to use us, we are on the defensive. We have to explain ourselves to the world. Why did we put up with this for so long. Is it really true that we are defective and are the cause of the "abusers" anger and denigration of ourselves.???
I've berated myself this way too and I came to the conclusion that I tolerated certain abuses because I wanted the impossible.....I wanted a kind, considerate, respectful, honourable relationship with the person and kept trying to do, say, be the right things....to please this person. This is impossible when there is such sickness present in the other person. They will never be pleased with our trying to please them. Their pleasure seems to come from the power they have to intice us to please. We certainly didn't cause our abuser's anger and that denigration. The defect I decided I had was to keep trying for something that was futile. Not so bad, really. I'd like not to repeat that and I regret being a puppet for so long but I didn't try to harm I tried to do some good things. If this person was not family I would never have bothered.
It's a win-win situation for them for the short term.
Only if we allow ourselves to feel like we've done something to deserve such treatment or to think that there is something bad or wrong about us. If we go on to live good, happy lives, despite these "monkeys" (thanks OR), if we work to get the joy back in our lives, we win and they are left in their pathetic state of searching for new screens to project upon and for some way to purge the template of hate and terror.
Is this helping you Dogbittles? It really has helped me. Thankyou ((((((all)))))). I feel much better.

PS: Good for you OR for not losing your sense of humour and for treading on, regardless of fear! My prayers are still for you and your D (especially on that day of court coming up fast!).