I don't know how to thank you all for the thought you've put into your responses. I really do appreciate it.
I haven't started many topics here, not because I don't have zillions of questions but because I still have a tape playing, I guess, that says it's a stupid question, or no one else would want to bother posting about that, or there is no answer so why bother, or other ridiculous derogatory thoughts that pop in and duhhhhh I quit before I begin.
Bunny, thankyou for being first to respond with your very logical strategy (it's so healthy to set priorities and make plans that are realistic and to the point). I really appreciate you sharing that.
Dogbittles, thankyou so much. I don't feel so alone now. I don't feel so crazy. I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Thankyou for saying that and for saying you too have pity (plus the go on and have a good life is the absolute way to go!! Way to go!! Good for you!!!).
OR, thankyou too for sharing and you ask some really serious questions which also induces much pondering, considering. ( I'm glad the doc figgered out about the hormones and that they are working too!). The part about the bone being deformed is really the whole point. It's like a brain with cancer in it.....same thing....do we hold the person responsible for their behaviour when their brain is sick and full of cancer and not functioning??
Brigid, thankyou for all of your kind words and for taking the time to post your opinion. Your 2 cents are worth a whole lot more to me. And you're right....it is too easy to say they are miswired and they can't help themselves. It's very easy to say. I just don't know. I just don't know if that really is the case or if it isn't and it's just something that I keep wondering about. What if that is what it is? (here I go with the what if's

) What if there is a wire missing? What if, 50 years from now, the new know-how says these people
can't help themselves?
I've always had a problem with "can't". I don't like that word and I will often discard it and think "won't". Most things are not "can't". Most things are a choice. If so, them I still pity the poor souls that choose to harm because I do, really believe we will all meet our maker and if that maker has any sense of justice whatsoever, He/She will
NOT be a happy camper, when these people show up for mercy.
That's where I get stuck.
I want mercy when I do wrong. I hope others will have it with me. I know it's a different thing because I try not to be spiteful and I can't think of when I have acted with malice. But I must have. I'm only human. I'm in denial then or just can't remember or I've blocked it out.
I believe I am entitled to the same mercy I give out.
So........I have a hard time not being merciful.
Even when others have no mercy for me.
It almost sounds pathetic to write that but I'm being as honest. This is from my heart.
Mudbrother, your attitude is your strength. I don't want to change that. But what if there is such a gene? For me, I know I will suffer mounds of guilt if I have no mercy now and find out later how wrong I was.
These people have no morals, it seems. How can one act morally without morals?
All of these questions are just thoughts and they are not meant for you Brigid, or you Mud or anyone else specific. They're just questions.
Daylily, thankyou so much. I have been through the worst nightmare I can imagine any mother having to face, other than having their child murdered. I'm grateful that I have not been challenged to withstand the worst.
You're right too. We do have to be careful what we brand a disease and how that effects those who choose to overcome what we might see as disability. But not everyone has the same determination, the same strength, the same will, the same hope. I feel so lucky to have those things. They are gifts. They have helped me survive against many odds. I just can't help having pity on those who feel weak, without will, no drive and hopeless. I want to share those things....which is impossible, or is it?
Sometimes, someone can say something that changes a person's life.
Sometimes, a situation can cause people to fight harder.
But in the N's case? Something's missing? It is said no one can cure them. They can't feel empathy. My guess is they feel hopeless, deep inside???
Stormy, as usual you wrote something so plainly. I really believe these people who behave like N's have hate in them. And they do behave in knee-jerk ways too. But if they
can't help it, is there mercy? Must not there be true sickness in a person who gets emotional gratification from vindictive or spiteful acts against other?
I don't know. No one does. There is no known "disease" so far but there is a disorder.
Disorder is out of order, not in proper order, something is messed up.
I'm so sorry about what you have to deal with at work Stormy. I wish a new job would come along for you with people you really enjoy working with, who are kind and considerate and thoughtful, like you.
I sure I hope I haven't missed anyone. I'm still confused. It hurts more to think my abuser acted with malice and spite and I do think that. Then I feel sad, angry, betrayed, beilittled, abused and ashamed of that person's behaviour. Then I think......what if.....about genes ?? And it helps me, some, to try to believe that the person
can't help themselves. Then I battle the
can't word again.
No matter what I do feel pity.