as to munsterland question
Is there such a thing as a flipside narcissist?
what some consider the flipside
is sometimes called an inverted narcissist
or a compensatory narcissist
but i suspect those names were hatched by a narcissistic plot
to take the heat off of narcissists:)
they are very clever that way
but more to the point perhaps
the flip side type does tend to be attracted to narcissist
perhaps in large part
coz narcissist know how to seek out
over eager beavers to please others
who they think have potential to provide them
with sufficient supply of... oh my ...what...

some of those so chosen
might early on begin to see the hidden dangers
but often n's know how to break their spirits
and make them doubt their earlier insights
by harping on either their real weaknesses
or convincing them that their strengths are actually weakness...
i tell u it is thing to behold
a narcissist tearing down another
for the n's glory..
nut preferably not as i
the youngest who she choose to be
the heir apparent after dad failed her in her eyes...
coz it might all seem well and wonderful at first
once ma saw me as not coming up to par for her
.. i had not developed the independent type resources
dad had from his family...
of course she was always right
and the problems were all dad's fault
fortunately tho there was something that i picked up on
that kind of kept a nose for the source...
my sisters tho i think still
in many ways be under the sway of skewed values
as injected my ma
so in review..not really
narcissism some say is one of the 3 personality disorders
the least amenable to treatment..
i think the other 2 could be psychopath
and borderline