Hi all:
Hey P: Ya, just as you say:
...mistreated children can be brainwashed into anything.
And whole societies teach children to seek such sick "rewards" too eh?
...any war will do.
Won't it though! War is evil!!!!

And I’m sad for those people, as well as angry. With the Olympics coming to London, I shan’t be visiting the capital if I’m around in 7 years. It seems an obvious target for angry people from those countries who aren’t invited ...
I would probably not go either. Another sad thing that angers me. Your country won such an honour and people will be afraid to attend because they could be a target. The terrorists win again!!! They instill fear successfully!!!
I hate letting terrorists win!!! I really do!!!

Do I trust any authority in the UK with my life?
To a certain extent, none of us have any choice. The authorities are in charge of such things as security and the police/secret services are in charge of tracking terrorists. The only real choice we have is to attend or not attend gatherings, to ride or not ride transportation, to hide in our houses like mice or risk being blown up on a simple subway ride. Trust? I don't trust that anything is even moderately secure. The only safe place in this world is our graves!!!
I'm not there yet so I take the odd risk. But I feel like a coward!!
Who said the world is safe? How stupid of me to expect it!! I'm the one with the problem. I need to accept that there is no such thing as safe. Working on that. Not liking it though.

As to thinking and feeling.....I think I feel. I act (even though my choices, in this case are limited). I act by speaking out. I act by taking some risks. I act by praying for peace. I feel fear and anger and sadness because I think I am safe and then realize, I'm not.
I feel the pain of those who have lost people they care about over such ridiculous, incredible, selfishness.
I seek my rewards but not by way of harming others. I'm lucky I was born in a place where I was taught that. I pity the uncivilised and I vent because at least that will help me to remember what I have been taught, and hopefully keep me....from becoming a terrorist too.
