Hi Write:
I'm sorry that these jerks managed to take away your joy about that! You guys would have been celebrating and now, instead, you are mourning.
I am glad that the number of people killed was not higher and sad for those who lost family members/friends.

Also very sad for those who were hurt.
I just keep thinking about it and I just don't get people who terrorize. I grew up in a house with one individual who seemed to enjoy instilling terror and I still don't understand him...except to accept that he was sick. Thinking of a whole group/or groups of people who think nothing of ......killing and injuring others and who are... glad about the terror they instill.... just sickens me. How can they have such little regard for life? How can people behave like such animals? How can they justify what they do and consider themselves good/like heros? How can they watch the suffering of others and enjoy it??

I wish they could be caught and stopped but they won't be. There will always be more of them, marching behind them, more following in their footsteps.. to carry on their terror. It's so depressing!
I'm usually a fairly positive person but in regard to this problem......I just don't see a resolution. It's an evil that reigns in this world and it's power is great.

The worst is there is no way to avoid it. None.
Not one of us knows if we, or our loved ones, will be next. I put it out of my mind, most of the time, and do my best
not to let such thoughts interfere in my life but I have a hard time doing that when I know there are so many who can't do that....because they are living with it. We lived with it here....after 911....and many were effected. I lived between 2 nuclear plants (at that time) and I had the trunk of my car packed with food, clothing, supplies for my entire family. How I expected to get them or get anywhere safe....if the worst happened?.....I have no idea, but I was
thatttt afraid!! And I'm not generally a person that lets fear rule my life!!!
These terrorist's actions make me angry!!

They cause me to feel afraid!!!

I feel nauseated to think of them enjoying the harm they cause!! (and there's no icon for that!).
I wish I could offer you some words of wisdom or encouragement but I can't think of any.
The best any of us can do is put it out of our minds until the next event??
Trust our governments to handle it?
How useless is that???I'm soooo sorry for those who feel that fear now.

And that anger and that deep sadness.

But most especially......that helplessness. The inability to do something....anything....to prevent this from happening again.

And I'm gonna say this again because you guys deserve to be reminded of something good and worth celebrating, even though that celebration was also....killed..........