Well, I must admit, my Nmother pushed me too far and I reacted, for the last time. I am so serious about not falling victim to my anger that I have taken her out of my phone, swearing my spouse not to ever give me her number if I want to contact her when I am angry. For anyone who has been following my story, I have included excerpts out of my (and my husband's) email conversations with her. As of today, we have concluded we have no choice but to cut contact with her as she will never change. Please. let me know if you have any feedback for me on this, either what she said or what I've said. I am open to any and all feedback. If any of what she said sounds familiar, please let me know, I'd like to know how truly N she really is. By the way, my name is Danielle so when I am referenced, you know who (and my mother's name is Cathy and Jon is my husband).
Jon wrote:
Hi Cathy-
Your e-mail provided me with valuable insights regarding your
thoughts and communication style. Thank you for taking your time to respond.
>>>> Honestly, I wasn't going to respond to your e-mail, it was easy
>>>> enough to just ignore it, give up and let what you said cause me to
>>>> be
>>>> bitter. However, I decided to express to you my feelings in a
>>>> respectful manner. I hope we are better people for it.
>>>> I ask that you read/listen to my words carefully and thoughtfully
>>>> as
>>>> I did yours. I am putting my time and heart into this and it is one
>>>> of the more difficult things I've had to do as an adult child but
>>>> worth the effort, I feel. Please don't disregard it and by
>>>> extension,
>>>> me. I'm fairly vulnerable here.
>>>> We appreciate our parent's role and guidance in the past that is
>>>> why
>>>> this situation is emotionally confusing and challenging to us now as
>>>> adult children. We hear one thing and see another, it is
>>>> inconsistent
>>>> however, we realize none of us is perfect and we can't point
>>>> fingers,
>>>> that is destructive and always has been however, we can express
>>>> ourselves respectfully. We continue to love our parents and care
>>>> about their lives no matter how volatile, without judgement. It is
>>>> difficult for me to hear you question that. I'm trying to figure
>>>> out
>>>> what good that does.
>>>> I've included your recent e-mail to me (see below). You told me
>>>> originally you let the past go and don't get angry about it.
>>>> Clearly,
>>>> Cathy, you weren't hones t with me. If you had these feelings 6
>>>> years
>>>> ago it would have been healthy, wise and respectful for you to bring
>>>> them up in a timely manner as opposed to suppressing them until now
>>>> when nothing can be done and it comes out sounding bitter. There is
>>>> absolutely nothing wrong with respectfully expressing your thoughts
>>>> and feelings, especially with your family as I am doing here. Also,
>>>> it is OK to express anger but not judgement. That goes for anyone,
>>>> including you, Danielle, me, my Dad, Shari, my Mom, Claude, Kevin,
>>>> Diane, whoever...
>>>> I continue to believe things will change for the better, one way or
>>>> another. My hope in contacting you initially was that I'd better
>>>> understand what occurred and be able to empathize, to grow and be a
>>>> better person to improve my overall relationship you, Danielle, my
>>>> parents, etc. I've addressed my parents the same way when things
>>>> are
>>>> confusing and need clarity. It sometimes has been painful but that
>>>> certainly isn't turning my back to my family, in fact, the complete
>>>> opposite. It shows you are willing to invest your time and heart
>>>> into
>>>> the relationship, not bury your feelings because it is too tough,
>>>> scary or easy. It is both the parent's and the child's
>>>> responsibility
>>>> to invest in a respectful relationship and to not give up. This is
>>>> my
>>>> part. I learned this and it was reinforced while my Dad was in
>>>> treatment for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time and conintues now. When
>>>> these
>>>> relationships work, there is free flow of feelings and respect, in
>>>> which everyone is richer in the most meaningful way. I've heard
>>>> when
>>>> you die you don't take anything with you but your soul.
>>>> If you'd like to have a positive, constructive, respectful dialog
>>>> that attempts to improve the situation I am available. You can call
>>>> me. If you choose to bring up the past in a
>>>> negative,
>>>> destructive, judgemental manner, I am not.
>>>> Ultimately, it is up to you how you express yourself. However, if
>>>> you need help, then ask. If you have a question, then ask. If you
>>>> have a thought or feeling, express it without judgement. My hand is
>>>> extended to you as far as it can go right now as a son-in-law and
>>>> as a
>>>> person.
>>>> Cathy, I can only wish for you peace of mind and the time to heal
>>>> your heart.
>>>> Respectfully,
She Replied:
You and Danielle have been very fortunate to have the parents you have.
Sent you
>>>> both to college and supported you both in everything you both ever
>>>> wanted
>>>> and loved you unconditionally . Chuck and Sheri your parents and me
>>>> and
>>>> Chuck we all paid for everything and only wanted the best. The
>>>> wedding I
>>>> know your parents paid for more but I do know I made the veil
>>>> happen
>>>> and I
>>>> know I watched it thrown on the floor no dance from you or Danielle
>>>> just
>>>> disappointment that I didn't speak. I sit here tonight looking
>>>> for a
>>>> wedding picture of you both and it doesn't seem to matter to either
>>>> of you
>>>> how your parent's feel. Kayla was your flower girl no picture was
>>>> ever sent
>>>> to them. So Jon don't talk to me about all the wrong that you two
>>>> are
>>>> trying
>>>> to get through with your bad parents we all loved you and our lives
>>>> were
>>>> spent for you both. By the way there is nothing wrong with calling
>>>> your Dad
>>>> on Father's Day I wanted to tell you to call him he was and is a
>>>> good
>>>> Dad
>>>> the only one you will ever have, he maybe sick but man if he had
>>>> cancer
>>>> would you have called him. You can stay out of the Alcholisim stuff
>>>> with him
>>>> but it is ok to let me know how much you love him.
>>>> Didn't mean to go on. But will now cut it off to say I really don't
>>>> understand all of this when children are suppose to love there
>>>> parents and
>>>> maybe some don't and this may be what has happened to me with
>>>> Danielle,
>>>> there is nothing I can do anymore except to say I am done. I
>>>> haven't
>>>> slept
>>>> and feel like I am loosing my mind, so I will say if she wants
>>>> nothing to do
>>>> with me than that may be the best for her.
>>>> Jon no more response this is to hard and if you two want nothing
>>>> more
>>>> to do
>>>> with family then so be it, but please no more of this.
Then, earlier today....
Dear Jon,
>>>> I am so sorry of the distress you are going through, that by the
>>>> way
>>>> is the reason parent's don't really share in depth of what they are
>>>> feeling, because it is our job to make you the children feel safe
>>>> and
>>>> ok. I won't say to much more except to say you are right when you
>>>> die
>>>> you don't take anything with you but you soul. Jon I am sorry, you
>>>> guys just have to remember to respect your parents my God we are
>>>> people too and I don't think we did that bad of a job. Of course I
>>>> had
>>>> these feelings 6 years ago but as a parent you could not imagine
>>>> such
>>>> a thing happening so of course that could never be communicated
>>>> When
>>>> I moved back to MN no regular contact and maybe the hardest thing
>>>> was
>>>> the phone calls that were not answered or ever returned. Please no
>>>> more of this. Maybe when you two have a child you will understand. A
>>>> parent lives there life for their child and still try's to have a
>>>> career and love .
>>>> So my dear know I love you and Danielle with all my heart, but I am
>>>> done explaining myself I really shouldn't have to ,
>>>> I am the Mom here.
>>>> All my love,
>>>> Mom
Then to me right afterwards...
>>>> Tell him to stop this has all been so hard I just need it to stop.
>>>> If
>>>> you want to talk sometime in the future , that would be ok but let
>>>> some time pass as right now I am so hurt and don't want to talk.. I
>>>> love you Danielle and always will. Please tell Jon to stop this.
>>>> Love,
>>>> Mom
My reply moments later...
He just wanted to try to strengthen our relationship, sadly, you are
>>> the one that is making this hard. I have nothing more to say on this
>>> matter. If you chose to resolve this or talk in the future, the ball
>>> is in your court as you said to me last friday night that you are
>>> done
>>> with me, now and forever.
>>> take care,
>>> Danielle
Her reply moments later...
Yes I am sure that is what he was trying to do and I do appreciate,
>> however
>> the subject is also closed to me. What I said that Friday night was I
>> was
>> totally and completely done forever with your degrading comments to
>> me(from
>> the way I eat Bing cherries,not knowing NY baseball team, I'm sure
>> Harrington doesn't want to hear about my prom dresses, to no you
>> can't go on
>> the roof in your robe ect although I never quoted them). I may have
>> worded
>> somewhat differently but that is what I meant.
>> No Danielle if you chose to resolve this or talk in the future the
>> ball is
>> in your court. I won't quote any of the things you said to me over the
>> phone. Your feelings for me were loud and clear.
>> Love,
>> Mom
My final reply (she let me get the last word for the first time)
He just wanted to try to strengthen our relationship, sadly, you are the one that is making this hard. I have nothing more to say on this matter. If you chose to resolve this or talk in the future, the ball is in your court as you said to me last friday night that you are done with me, now and forever.
take care,
Then I had to clarify...
I sent this off to quickly, I should've finished my thought. When I say he (meaning Jon) was trying to strengthen our relationship, I meant the one he and I have with you. He was merely trying to understand why you got so upset when you were here to say things (to me) like that I never loved you and that I don't know how to love (and that I don't love him). That, to me, is probably the worst thing(s) you can say to another human being, given that love is fundamental to our society, our lives, our happiness. Say what you will about my education, my future, my personality, my lifestyle, but to say I am unable to love, horrible. He wanted to know why you said those things because I was up half the rest of that night sobbing, he wanted to get to the bottom of why you say such horrible things. No, you are right, you don't "need to explain yourself" any more to me, him or anyone. If that is the type of non-relationship you'd like to have, share pleasantries and what not, so be it. He had hoped to open up a dialogue and get to the bottom of why you'd say those things to me. I told him to do what he wanted as it is his life. Honestly, nothing you can say to me has the power to hurt me anymore. I know I can love, I know that I do. And I know who I love and I don't need to explain myself to you either.
That said, you no longer have the power to enrage me. If you chose to say nasty things behind my back, or accuse me of being an unloving, uncaring person, go right ahead. Right now, in my life, I am proud of my accomplishments and who I am, even if you are not. Right now, I am truly happy.
No one ever accused you of being a bad parent or what not, we just wanted to know what drove your actions when you were here. That is all. You are responsible for bringing up all the past incidences, of which we were unaware of your feelings until now. You can own that side of this, if you so chose.
Take care,