Author Topic: What motivates you?  (Read 2715 times)


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What motivates you?
« on: July 30, 2005, 01:39:26 AM »
Hello everyone :)

I'm in a contemplative and reflective mindset tonight and is curious to hear about what motivates you to keep on going in life.


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 07:57:22 AM »
Hi Butterfly:

Good question.  I'd like to write a long list of nice, good, mushy stuff to answer it too, but instead, more accurately and honestly, in one word:


That's right!  It's my evil way of getting back at my abusers!  :twisted: Not letting them win my spirit and my serenity, is my goal!  A goal that creeps into my mind, no matter how down I get, which seems to revive me, as if I've been asleep! :shock:

I won't let all the behaviours of those who have hurt me, throughout my life, kill me emtionally, and therefore destroy my desire to thrive and survive!  I won't!!!

I guess I'm just really stubborn about that.  :roll: No way am I going to give them that satisfaction!

I will live to spite them!!!

And live well and as happily as I can!!  (as much as I can muster, for as long as possible too!)

 :D :D :D

« Last Edit: July 30, 2005, 08:02:43 AM by Sela »


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 04:40:02 PM »
Well Butterfly,

All the people that have helped me here are motivating me xxx



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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2005, 05:12:25 PM »
LOVE motivates me. Seeing it everywhere, feeling it around me, in this forum, thinking about POSSIBILITIES instead of limitations. LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Corny, yes. but being GRATEFUL and seeking to see and feel love, keep me high!! (no, no drugs, no alcohol, just one of those natural highs :P)


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 09:14:11 AM »
Interesting question.  Not sure really.  Stubborness, I suppose.  Mule headed obstinacy, which refuses to admit when it is beaten.  That plus love of my daughter, my family and friends, and of life.

I suppose there is also a feeling that this is my life, and it is up to me to make the best of it that I can.  I already know it isn't a particularly rich or successful or materially remarkable life, but I think it has honesty, and integrity, and that seems to be rare.  So I keep going, bit at a time, and it is amazing how long you can sustain that.


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2005, 10:14:14 AM »
Thanks for the interesting q, Butterfly. I don't really need much motivation to keep going in life, as I want to live! I enjoy each day even if some of it sucks (e.g, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow). I'm grateful to be alive.


miss piggy

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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2005, 01:19:17 PM »
Hi Butterfly,

What a wonderful thread you have started...great question, great replies.  This board is so reassuring.

I am motivated to live for and with my H and kids.  I see the n-ness in my life as a challenge to overcome and learn who I am by my own definition and to learn to be comfortable with that.  Still working on it.  Learning and growing = living.  Also, keep hoping for your own possibilities.  When I get discouraged, I think about the fact that something bigger is going on and my struggle is my own little contribution to the big picture.  Perhaps that is grandiose, but it helps me relax!   :D

Thank you for asking!  MP


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2005, 02:03:36 PM »
a strong motivator
as jesus for peter
where peter says something like

who else .....
if someone better recognizes how peter said it :).....


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2005, 04:13:00 PM »
What motivates me is also love.  Different shows like Extreme Makeover (home edition) - and volunteering with severely disabled children helps me to realize that some people have it very very rough.

I think it makes me appreciate of the life that I get to live today.  Maybe something I do today - out of love - will make a small difference in the life of another.  I know that many things people do - or circumstances that happen make me enjoy my day.  Today's motivator was really stupid - - - on the way to work (in hot weather) - - - - 2 signals that are always red (one right after the other) - were both green. 

Today (at least) was starting to off to be a great day!


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2005, 07:49:15 PM »
I am motivated by the thought of finding true love for the first time in my life.  I am motivated by watching my children grow and prosper and knowing that I had a hand in their development into the wonderful young people they are.  I am motivated by knowing that my life is now in my hands and I can create the future I want to have.  I am motivated by the future with grandchildren and all the fun that will bring into my life.  I am motivated by once again feeling like I am alive, I am healthy, I am happy and I have so much to offer.



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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2005, 11:36:44 PM »
What a wonderful thread. thank you for starting it!

I'm motivated by my dreams for my life. So far, it hasn't always been so great. But, I feel like it is slowly getting better - and I feel empowered to make it better. with every little triumph, I believe that i can do it. I believe that I can.



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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2005, 12:09:31 AM »
Wow, great responses! 

It's so interesting to hear about the different things that motivate us in life.  I certainly enjoyed hearing about them.  I think this is an important question I need to ask myself at the start of each day.  It's too easy for me to lose focus of what is important to me by the cares of this world.

Hmmm, what motivates me?  As trite as it may sound, knowing that the grass is greenier on the other side motivates me to keep going in life.



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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2005, 08:15:05 AM »
I also feel self motivated.  Love every day as much as possible. Try to see the good in people without being naive.  Love the sunrise and the sunset and amost moments in between. Feel the pain to feel the joy.


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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2005, 08:41:09 AM »
Great thought ...........

I love funny...movies, people, things that happen.

When my D was small she loved me to tickle her, everday we would laugh and laugh.

I'm not funny but I like funny, I'm way to serious sometimes.

I wake up early just to listen to others that have positive thoughts about life how to push pass difficulties in life.

How others make it through life with a good attitude. I read books about N's so I will deal with them like the experts do.

I read about people that lie, so I know what to look for. I read this Board almost everyday it motivates me in so many ways.

I love art, I have some I'm working on now, its coloring with water colors.........I left my most of my paints in CA, but I love colors and the art of painting and being creative in this way.

I love to be helpful and being needed, love being part of our D's life watching her grow and become a teen.



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Re: What motivates you?
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2005, 10:28:32 PM »
What motivates me is hope, believe it or not...

Unfortunately, what usually drives me is pain.

I keep hoping that will change, but so far, no luck. Oh dear, I didn't intend that pun, or corny joke, or whatever it is.

It would be soooo nice to be traveling towards, rather than always away from, something. It's been soooo long.