Hi Butterfly:
Good question. I'd like to write a long list of nice, good, mushy stuff to answer it too, but instead, more accurately and honestly, in one word:
REVENGE!That's right! It's my evil way of getting back at my abusers!

Not letting them win my spirit and my serenity, is my goal! A goal that creeps into my mind, no matter how down I get, which seems to revive me, as if I've been asleep!

I won't let all the behaviours of those who have hurt me, throughout my life, kill me emtionally, and therefore destroy my desire to thrive and survive! I won't!!!
I guess I'm just really stubborn about that.

No way am I going to give them that satisfaction!
I will live to spite them!!!
And live well and as happily as I can!! (as much as I can muster, for as long as possible too!)
