Can I ask as well....... Do you have to work the steps at CoDA meetings. I'm thinking of going to Selkie. There is a womans group near me and I like the thought of going but I'm not sure how it relates to the steps...
Spyralle x
Working the steps is just a suggestion. Nobody insists. To the newcomer, 12 step work seems overwhelming. However, I'm going to tell you both a little secret. By being on this board, going to therapy, or by going to meetings, you have already worked the first step, which is usually the hardest. The first step is where we admit,"I am powerless." In the case of codependency, we realize that we are powerless to change others and need to do the inside job to change ourselves.
Don't worry about the higher power stuff. That can be a big hangup for some. I know atheists who have a higher power...the principles of the program or the group. I knew someone that made their cat their higher power for awhile.

That person is still in recovery. I know somebody else who said he felt his "good side that always knew the right thing to do" resided on his left shoulder and he made that part of his psyche on his left shoulder his higher power for awhile. This person was perfectly sane but was using visualization to help him temporarily...

He is still in recovery too. I say, about higher power, whatever works, go for it.
All the programs are non-denominational, too. Usually at the beginning of meetings the Serenity Prayer will be said and at the end the Lord's Prayer. My husband and I are Jewish and say them both.
I have worked all twelve steps, several times, and on several different issues. Now they work me. At first they seemed overwhelming to me too, but after awhile they became as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth or having a morning cup of coffee.