Hi vunil,
When dogbit says Bill Clinton is personally corrupt she is insulting him personally. I have no problem with that, just as I have no problem with anyone calling George Bush a liar.
If dogbit had said he couldn't leave the ramp because liberals talk about concern for Africans but they really couldn't care less because deep down they're all closet racists, then it would not have been OK. It is at that point a stereotype and an insulting comment meant to condemn and silence civil discourse and is no longer a personal insult but is meant to put on the defensive and shame anyone who holds that position.
I believe I have gone down a rabbit trail on this double standard issue anyway. My original post was about the general tone here, and I stand by it. In fact I have to say the responses, for the most part, reaffirm my original post.
I hear many people telling me why the tone is hostile, angry and caustic and why that is a good thing, but I don't hear many saying 'you know what, maybe we could express ourselves a little more respectfuly and try to restrain our passions a little in the interests of civility.'
If someone goes on a rant about the Ns in their lives, I think we can all agree that is not hurting civil discourse here. At least I think we can.
If someone goes on a rant about how evil and corrupt American society is or how George Bush's or Bill Clinton's policies and ideas are not just wrong but truly evil then how is a reasonable conversation possible? Either those who disagree will respond in kind, in which case we have a mindless, destructivel free-for-all, or those who disagree have to bite their tongues and silence themselves while the others rant and rave.
I'll say it one last time, I can get that in the home-cookin, in-your-face version with my family, why come here for it?
You know from when I first came here that I don't avoid disagreements or arguments as long as they have a point other than insulting or shouting down the opposing viewpoint.
In fact, as I think about it, the very first conversation I had with you was regarding all of us not painting each other with broad brush strokes of blame and shame. And your comments then were not directed directly at me either but at a larger group.
Your response then was to admit the reasonableness of what I had to say and agree that we should all try and be respectful even when disagreeing.
Here we are six months later having the same conversation, but the overall response this time seems to be 'yeah, we're having a donnybrook here, what's it to ya?'
My point is not so much about direct personal insults, but the tone and edgy atitude here. I have been directly insulted in the past, but that I don't really mind so much. I can shoot back when that happens. There is a general incivility in the threads that concern politics and there is a 'quick to be offended or offend' sensibility in the other threads. Not every one, by any means, but enough to make me wonder why I'm here.
I'm not looking for an apology, just a little thought as to how what we say is perceived by others and whether it can be seen as insulting or harmful to others.
I guess it comes down to this. If this board is a place for people to discuss and heal from the Ns in their lives, with some sensible and friendly off topic disagreements tossed in as well, then its useful to me and maybe I can be of a little use to it.
If its for endless cycles of simmering hostility and a subtle conformity to standards of thought then maybe its more useful to others than me.
Perhaps if I back off for a time and restrict myself to reading only those threads which I find profitable I'll feel differently.
After all why should I leave just because Moveon.org, Hillary Clinton and Paul Krugman (and by extension all those who generally agree with them) are dishonest, intolerant, closet racists and bigots who detest Christians and morality in general and only want to keep poor white folks, African Americans and Hispanics down on the government plantation so they'll keep voting Democratic...... Hey this is kind of fun.
