Author Topic: What is the point of this board again?  (Read 10960 times)


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2005, 12:46:08 PM »

So, it's mostly the topic.  It is getting folks all riled up.
Unfortunately I felt this way prior to Katrina.
BTW, just to be clear, you've never been unreasonable or hard to get along with. :D


PS. Thanks voxanne for your post. Don't let my disappointment stop you from enjoying the board. There is a lot of good stuff here still.


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2005, 12:58:11 PM »
'yeah, we're having a donnybrook here, what's it to ya?'

What's a donneybrook?  I honestly don't know.


I'm sorry it seemed as if anyone was saying these horrible things about you or others-- I didn't notice anything like that, to be honest, but if it felt like that to you then it's worth addressing.  Next time it happens, would you be willing to quote the particular line that set you off and have a specific conversation about it?  I learn a lot when people do that, either about me or other people.  I just don't seem to have a mind that works on generalities-- I need specifics.   Some of this (maybe all of it) is probably just communication issues.  I don't mean that we might not genuinely disagree, but somehow I get the impression that isn't what bugs most of us-- it's not like we just learned that the country is divided. It doesn't bug me, either, at all-- what bugs me is miscommunication followed by general dissatisfaction that can't be linked back to the actual incident.

Just to go to a personal place with this, my mother used to sit us down and lecture us for hours about how we were "inconsiderate" and "sometimes in life we all have to do things we do not want to do, if we are going to be responsible people" and "selfish people never make it in life" and ON AND ON AND ON and it was personally devastating.  She never told us what we did!  Finally later we would find out we left our shoes under the television or something or maybe something worse (the same lecture happened with every sin).  So, it is triggering to me to get told I messed up, or might have, but not to be told the exact reason why-- the specific behavior.  And sometimes I didn't even do the specific behavior!  But she got so into her insults that it became beside the point.  Oh, man, just having that flashback is giving me hives...

Not that anyone here is being like her-- not at all!  I actually don't think anyone here has acted N at all.  I think people have really tried to communicate and understand each other, MUCH more than on any other board I am on.  I'm just trying to explore how the whole thing feels and why it might be triggering, and I'm trying to improve :)  Because Mudpup you are sweet but I know that I must have caused some of this...


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2005, 01:19:40 PM »
Forgot to mention why I think this is so triggering for most of us.  So many n victim issues arose from the plight of the survivors.

-  fairness.  this was brought up on the attorney thread. 
-  abandonment.
-  failure to have basic needs met.
-  lack of important information or any control concerning one's destiny.
-  being forced to witness violence, neglect, suffering, with no way to help or escape.
-  making desperate requests and not being heard by anyone.

We're up here to use our voices.  Let's not try to shut anybody up.

Hi Plucky, What you listed are the things that occurred in our families of origin and are very triggering for us. They are also triggering for people that grew up in healthy homes. I try not to use the word "normal" because what is normal may not be healthy, as a therapist pointed out to me.

I'll add a few more to the list.
-  Being told that one's perceptions of traumatic events are incorrect.
-  Being told that what happened is not so bad.
-  Being told it is not ok to talk about it, to ask questions and to look for real solutions.
-  Being lied to by parents or persons in authority.
-  Being told that being a victim is the fault of the victim.
-  Being told that it is not ok to have feelings and thoughts about the trauma.
-  Being told that it is important to maintain the status quo and "not rock the boat."
-  Being told by another witness to the trauma that since it didn't affect them, it shouldn't affect you.
-  Receiving "assistance" for the trauma that doesn't address the roots of the problem, like getting therapy that helps one      
   become "better adjusted" (in my case, I got therapy that taught me how to be a silent victim that looked great on the
   outside) or being institutionalized (in the case of d's mom, who ran away from abuse) for survival behavior.  
-  Scapegoating of the victim.
-  Being told by people who have not been traumatized, or who perhaps are benefitting from the trauma, that those who
   perceive the trauma as traumatic are disloyal, crazy, wrong-headed, and need to be silent.
-  Being pressured to keep family secrets.
-  Being prevented from receiving necessary assistance to deal with the trauma.

For instance, here is a message from the Department of Environmental Quality. Instead of doing the right thing, they are going to do the quickest and cheapest thing, which will pollute Lake Ponchartrain or kill the wetlands. I felt triggered when I read this article because of the list above. I am upset that the media didn't nail this guy down on the fallacies of his reasoning. Somebody should have questioned him.  
"How much water New Orleans holds is open to question.

Van Heerden estimates it is billions of gallons. LSU researchers will use satellite imagery and computer modeling to get a better fix on the quantity.

Bio-remediation -- cleaning up the water -- would require the time and expense of constructing huge storage facilities, considered an impossibility, especially with the public clamor to get the water out quickly.

Mallett said the Department of Environmental Quality was in the unfortunate position of being responsible for protecting the environment in a situation where that did not seem possible.

"We're not happy about it. But for the sake of civilization and lives, probably the best thing to do is pump the water out," he said.

The water will leave behind more trouble -- a city filled with mold, some of it toxic, the experts said. After other floods, researchers found many buildings had to be stripped back to concrete, or razed."

Ok, here is somebody in authority who is saying we know the best thing to do, but the public is not going to let us do it. I tend to take that statement with a major grain of salt.  Instead, we are going to do the wrong thing because of the perception that the public literally wants a quick and dirty solution. Where are all the people that are clamoring to get the water cleaned up quickly rather than building storage facilities? How long does it take to build a storage facility or many? How expensive is it? Once again, are we going to find the cheapest and quickest solution which may turn out to be the most expensive in the long run? Will the public, eg,the victims, will be blamed for something they haven't even been party to?

All I can do is write my representatives and this official, which is what I will do. Will it make a difference? I don't know, but I can't sit by without writing.

If I have insulted anyone of this board, that certainly was not my intention. As I said before, I like to gather facts and develop my perceptions and ideas based on the facts, not based on my particular situation. I will talk about my particular situation when it is relevant, as I did in the case of Brigid's argument about health care. 40 million people in this country are without health insurance and my daughter, who works 60 hours a week, is one of them. Many of the uninsured work in low-wage jobs and have no ability to pay for medical care. I have health insurance. Should I blame my daughter for not having it? Should I stand by and say,"Well, gee. I have health insurance. What's wrong with all those other people who don't and who also don't have the income to pay for any part of their medical needs? They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps." In my daughter's case, she was severely abused by an N, was not protected by our institutions until it was almost too late, and because of what happened to her, does not function as well as someone who was not victimized. She is a brilliant girl, should definitely be in college, and because of what happened to her, may never have the faith in herself to take that risk and change her situation. (I keep dropping the seeds though  :) Those are my particulars. On the other hand, I am sure that everyone else who is uninsured and poor has their own story of pain and loss, even if it "just" loss of a good job. Unfortunately, due to outsourcing, most new jobs are in services and retail, traditionally low-paid occupations.  

I don't think that disagreement is insulting. I don't think that it is insulting to tell someone that you believe their perceptions are incorrect and offer proof as to why you believe so.  I believe that gathering facts and developing perceptions and feelings is legal in this country, despite those who would say that disagreement with the direction we are headed is unpatriotic (translate disloyal). I personally believe that our society is dysfunctional and is a macrocosm of what happens in dysfunctional families. One of the reasons that it is considered uncouth to talk about politics or public policy is due to the same rules of silence that exist in dysfunctional families, in my opinion. I don't believe that it is insulting to say that many people who live an upper middle class life-style have been insulated from the nitty-gritty realities of what life is like for the majority of citizens and also benefit from the economic policies that prevent those who have almost nothing from getting a little more. On the other hand, there are many people from upper middle class backgrounds who are very perceptive and empathetic to those who are less fortunate. (Both my husband and are are from upper middle class backgrounds, but we have never been insulated. Why? I don't know.) Even at our current low income level, we would be willing to pay greater taxes to help those less fortunate.  

I may be incorrect in my perceptions, but somebody is going to have to prove it to me by supporting their arguments with the facts and stats that are relevant to the situation.

An uncouth,
« Last Edit: September 06, 2005, 01:29:15 PM by amethyst »


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2005, 03:14:09 PM »
Hi mudpup and all,
one more trigger which might be a female one more than a general one.  Girls and women are often taught to express themselves in indirect, quiet, soft, nice ways.  Anytime a woman expressed herself with passion and energy she risks being labeled 'angry' or 'shrill' or 'unfeminine' or the ever-popular 'bitchy'.  Or other such exaggerations meant to make her go back in her box and start smiling demurely.

I agree with Vunil, I do not see what you are talking about.  Can you give us examples.  If you are going to use examples from what I wrote, that is fine with me and good.  I am not sensitive about it.



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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2005, 03:25:08 PM »
I am not sensitive about it.

Me either!  And it I am, then that is my own fault :)

Do not leave us, mudpuppy.  We need more puppies on this board.


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2005, 04:19:03 PM »
Had some news today of a personal nature that makes all this pretty irrelevant and unimportant to me, so forget everything I said and carry on as before.


PS. I'll still hang around vunil.


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2005, 04:30:06 PM »
being the daughter of a N has left me quite sensitive and fearful of rejection, i’ll admit this to begin:  but, how foolish of me to think that i could freely express myself with regard to my N mother’s affect on my life.  i happen to enjoy provoking lively, spirited conversation and was involved in this discussion board to try to express my voice and discuss the questions that remain with me on my road to feeling healthy and functional.  if this type of conversation cannot be tolerated, as i see it cannot, i will take my leave.  and it was nice to know that my voice, which happens to be that of a sensitive, opinionated, African-American daughter of a N, could be heard here.

in response to mudpup:
Tiffany, an African American gal, gets told what to say and what to think about people of color.
I am surprised to learn that as a white american I hate black people and poor people and third world people and Native americans.

But I shudder to think of the firestorm were I to suggest that anyone disagreeing with me was an evil Christian hater who only feigned concern for the poor because they really want to go on the dole themselves and they're really closet racists who just want to keep black people down on Uncle Sam's plantation.
I'm kind of tired of the double standard that my MOTIVES and therefore character are always debatable but never anyone who disagrees with me. Its a form of intellectual bullying and displays a lack of confidence in their position. 

as of today, you, mudpuppy need no longer fret about the direction the posts have gone with re: to political/social/racial impact of N in my life. God forbid, i ruffle your conservative feathers by infusing the dialogue with my own personal experiences and all this hooey-talk about racial and social voicelessness.  and mud, i believe your current gripe has more to do with how YOU deal with the issues of racism and what you consider to be an attack on Bush--American society.  if you are so upset about feeling disenfranchised as a result of the mere possibility of not being perceived as an inherently good, Bible-toting righty, maybe you need to take that uncomfortable feeling, multiply it by 100 and phathom what disenfranchisement means to those of us who have for centuries lived and functioned in a part of American society not cloaked by the veil of politeness or correct tone.  if you are just trying to get me to “constrain my passions a little”  forget it, been there, done that, got the t-shirt!

you can relax now, mudpup, despite your latest post commanding us to ‘forget’ and ‘carry on’,  how very N of you, the Opinionated Black Woman has left the room. (albeit dejected and quite hurt). by all means, retreat back to your ‘politically correct’ mudpup and  marta-driven discussions. to those of you who had kind, encouraging, thoughful words, i want you to know i appreciate them and have enlarged, printed, cut-out, and posted many beautiful expressions of kindness on my home office post board.  they will be stabilizing affirmations when i’m going through difficult times with my mother or otherwise feeling weak and low.  for this, i thank you ((((((amethyst)))))))), ((((((((stormchild))))))))),  (((((((((d’s mom))))))), (((((((plucky))))))).  i appreciate your wisdom vunil, sela, selkie, mum, portia, and voxanne. and david p.

dr. g, could you possibly consider opening a safe place where socially aware minority abuse survivors can feel at home and free to express their plight with narcissism. apparently, the conscious of the collective African-American is unique. as survivors of centuries of abuse at the hands of N forefathers, could it be possible that we have suffered damage to our (collective) psyche that can’t be addressed in forums where clearly the moral/ethical/cultural code of the Euro-centric culture predominates.  a mentality of abuse and  voicelessness has left many blacks overly sensitive and emotional with regard to social acceptance and equality, as with the not so publicized outcries by the poor black communities affected by Katrina.  African-Americans are still quite misunderstood.  is it possible for an african-american to enter any benign discussion without provoking political/racial/social discord.  i see now, even in the anonymity of cyber space, one cannot. 
best wishes to you all


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #37 on: September 06, 2005, 04:44:16 PM »

I think you misunderstood what I said.
I thought others on another thread were telling you how to think and feel. I was defending your right to speak for yourself. I had none of your opinions or posts in mind when I posted anything on this thread. You have always stated your opinion without demonizing anyone who might disagree. I have agreed with many things you have said. I only mentioned you as someone who I thought had had words put in your mouth by others.
I'm sorry you were offended by what I said. I hope you won't leave the board.


miss piggy

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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2005, 04:56:21 PM »


Maybe you feel you don't need us anymore.  But maybe we need you?  

I have witnessed over and over again that what sets anyone off, anyone, is when they feel defined by others.  Or they perceived that they have been defined or what have you.  Esp. a straw man argument (the "maybe what you say is true, but you don't have the right to say it" argument)  That one sends me to the moon, guaranteed.

The recent violent reaction I had to an instructor's offhand remark (out here in "real life") taught me I still have undiscovered triggers.  Like, boy did that hit a sore spot.  What was that all about.  I didn't like it, but it was a learning opportunity.  I have not responded to all the threads here, because I feel I have nothing to add to those threads, but I am sure learning a lot.  Cyberspace makes it impossible for us to see people nodding and listening and thinking over what others have written.  

There are many strong voices here and I hope we can make room for everyone.  Each of us has a story to tell.  If the garbage is ongoing and persistent then maybe it is wise to move on.  But I hope these exchanges have been the exception and not the rule.

What do we have in common?

1. access to a computer...
2. N relatives
3. damage
4. a need to communicate about our damage and to heal

What do we not have in common as a group?

1. native country
2. economic backgrounds
3. occupation
4. race
5. religion
6. political affiliation
7. education
8. marital status
9. gender


My point is, we can still help each other even if we don't have a lot in common.  OK, Pollyanna signing off now.  MP


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2005, 06:01:04 PM »
Mud. Hope you’re okay at home and that whatever is happening, well, best wishes. Just one comment: when I said ‘who the heck would you say that to?’ I was thinking about the board, not general society, and I thought ‘I can’t imagine Mud saying that to anyone on the board, so have I missed something (i.e. has someone been behaving in a way that showed all those things?).’ That’s what I meant, but I didn’t say all that, so it would be easy to find another several interpretations. Whatever, doesn’t matter now. Take care with you and yours.

Tif, thanks for the acknowledgement. Glad I knew what you were talking about. That makes me glad, truly, I hope I hear clearly some of the time and it’s good to have a ‘yes’. I hope you don’t go. I hardly know you (my fault for not reading of late) but I like the sound of you. 

Sela, hiya, good to see you, hope you had a good break. Welcome back.

Storm, thanks for the laugh, it’s important to laugh and I needed it. Thanks.  :)


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2005, 08:15:27 PM »

my humble apologies. i believe i read you wrong there.  i think i was trying to read between the lines something that didn't quite exist in your post.  thanks for the clarification. please forgive the bitter retaliation/rant.  my frustration of late has been misplaced. i had just spent the previous couple of hours bawling at another post that blindsided me and deleting all my topics from the board.  i then read your post, saw my name and assumed you felt similarly. (i probably needed to cross-research what else you may have been referring to or perhaps took another moment to study your style of writing, before i continued on with that reply.)  i shouldn't have dumped all that on you.

a sheepishly embarrassed tif :|


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2005, 08:46:48 PM »

......i shouldn't have dumped all that on you.

a sheepishly embarrassed tif :|

im glad you guys are all apologising and making up and i really hope  you stay tif, so i certainly dont want to get in the way of all that.   i have kept out of this beucase the last five posts or so by mudpuppy truly shocked me.

i truly believe that we have now seen who was using incendiary language, emotional bullying, black and white thinking, and intolerance and you know what tif, it wasnt you.

im totally shocked to see that level of intellectual intolerance from someone ive aways previously respected, and then when it was suggestd by brigid that he was perhaps joking, which i could maybe swallowed as an excuse, he didnt even take the graceful way out and say, yes, i was joking, or, i was having a bad day sorry i was impolite, or anything, just 'oh this isnt important -to me- anymore, so you all forget it as though it never happened.'  and then even has the nerve to try to excuse it by saying he was 'defending' you. oh ick.

this has left a -very- bad taste in my mouth and certainly proves why i refrain from discussing -my- politics in public - some people invariably show themselves completely incapable of gracefully handling disagreement and those people can make any otherwise beneficial debate an unpleasant personal battleground. its a great way to keep people from looking at what might be the truth. 


if you are really apologising mudpuppy good for you. but i have to say, im really shocked at the level of your response and i agree with others, i think theres somethig else going on.  i personally found the language and tone in your posts violent, incendiary and insulting.  just for your information.

ok keep  on apologising everyone. just had to go on record with that one.


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2005, 09:18:32 PM »
this has left a -very- bad taste in my mouth and certainly proves why i refrain from discussing -my- politics in public - some people invariably show themselves completely incapable of gracefully handling disagreement and those people can make any otherwise beneficial debate an unpleasant personal battleground. its a great way to keep people from looking at what might be the truth. 

Discussing politics and taking a stand does not write in stone who you are.  It's just a discussion!  I love discussions.  Especially since I was not able to have them until recently.  If we can't have a good tussle over Hurricane Katrina, then let's return to the shifting sands of always posting so politely and empathetically that no one will be challenged to air their gut felt beliefs.  By virtue of posting to this board, I would think we all are aware that we can be taken to task over what we post ...Alternately, you all can tell me what you think about my posts.  I always think as carefully about critical comments as I do about supportive ones.  The operative word here is "think".  What a gift!  Jeepers, let's give it a rest.  Two of the players are willing to keep talking!!!  And Hurricane Season does extend into November. :(...I don't know third-world from afro-americans to hispanic field workers to whatever...I was really looking forward to finding out....just talking should not turn into who is the nicest, most diplomatic, articulate, empathetic, caring person on the board.  Of course, I would hope all would do so in the spirit of discussion and if not able to do so, just give us a disclaimer.  We're all open to that, aren't we?


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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2005, 09:33:57 PM »
D's mom,

I sent you a PM under 'del's mom'. I think that is you.
I hope it is and I hope you'll read it.



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Re: What is the point of this board again?
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2005, 09:43:11 PM »
Doctor Grossman,

I don't know if, as the originator of this thread, I have any say in the matter, but would it be possible to lock it?
I started it in hopes it might prompt people to agree on a friendlier and kindlier tone with each other, but obviously I didn't succeed. Just as obviously its probably my fault.
It is contributing to the very rancor I was complaining about. So I would really appreciate it if you would consider locking it.
Of course if others want to continue to discuss the issues involved, I guess that's up to them not me. In any event I am locking myself out of it.


PS. Has anybody been stupid enough to have to ask to have their own thread locked before? :? :(