Author Topic: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread  (Read 4540 times)

Sallying Forth

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Re: Hurricane Katrina Apathy??? Thread:

Sallying Forth,

I think the response to your thread demonstrates a lack of apathy.... :|


I wrote this thread to express my identification with the "thrown away" people in NOLA.   I can easily identify with that.

Who are you saying demonstrates a lack of apathy?   The response? I am confused.

... well I am simply not on the same wavelength as the responders to that thread (Hurricane Katrina Apathy???).

Below is where my heart and mind have been for the past week.

I can easily identify with that. I was thrown away - cast away from my family; sold to my perpetrators to be abused any way, shape or form they desired. Three different men used and abused me as they desired with no regard for my emotional, physical, spiritual and mental well being. I've been dealing with this for the past 7 days, 8 days now, on all levels.

Early this morning (Wednesday), after reading Trapped In The Mirror and writing more chapters in my book I got the bottomline - I always wanted to have a father who loved me. I had two fathers and neither one could show me love. Then during therapy I asked how I could get what I need. And my t said I must internalize a supportive and loving father figure or figures. He asked me if I ever knew any men like that when I was a child. My t indicated that it would be best if these men were part of my life during my younger years. I could think of four male teachers (one who was both a teacher and the principal of my school) who each had a positive and supportive impact on my life. All were part of my life in grade school.

However while discussing this with my therapist I realized I am not there yet. I can't internalize until I've dealt with whatever memories need to be worked through. I know this is true because I feel it in my heart - I literally got heart palpitations (like the day I knew my father wasn't my biological father). I am writing those chapters in my book which contain those horrid memories of abuse. I had a confirmation nightmare about a memory surfacing several days prior to writing about it.

I am writing about the memories as I have them. It is a very interesting and strange process. My main character is being supported by a man whom I now realize IS one of those father figures I had in grade school. I am even using the man's name in the book. I didn't realize this until today. So when I do the final corrections I'll have to change his name as well as my bioNfather's first name.

Also during the last 8 days I've accepted who my bioNfather is. I have a full name for him. I just wish I had a picture. I have the picture from my collage work. He will look similar to that. I'm still tracking down the picture. I'm probably going to have to search Who's Who. I have used this resource in the past to find my perpetrators.

To realize that there was absolutely no support in my family for my well being has been difficult to accept. I thought possibly my father was supportive. However I now accept that he was just as abusive and neglectful as my Nmother. And both of them thought of me as something to discard, to throw away, and to sell for actual money to my bioNfather and two other very powerful and connected men. I do have full memory of the actual moment the money exchanged hands and the agreement was drawn up. I remember the house where it happened. I can describe in detail every room in that house. :twisted: :evil:

I wish to God that I made this all up. I wish to God that none of this ever happened to me. I wish to God that my bioNfather wasn't my main perpetrator and torturer.

However it is all true.

Inside I feel like a wasteland - used and littered with someone else's contaminants. I can even identify with the toxic goo in NOLA. :(

And I know there will be many more days of wailing and peeling off the stinky layers of goo before I find the me I was meant to be. Right now it seems like an unsurmountable, huge mountain of toxic goo. I thought I was near the end and then found more toxic goo. :(

It's two steps forward and one step back into the toxic goo of contaminants.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 07:37:51 AM »
Sally, this is a very gutwrenching tale. I am so sorry this happened to you.  Your way of describing it is explicit.  Hopefully the painful parts now will lead to the light for you.  I believe it will.

miss piggy

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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 12:01:05 PM »
Hello Sallying Forth,

I'm confused too.  But here is what I was responding to:

I think what saddens me the most about the devastation is NO MENTION about the devastation from any list where I am a member. Everyone acts as if nothing has happened. Maybe people have their head stuck in the sand. Maybe it is apathy. I don't know.

This quote from you and the title of your thread is what I was responding to.  I mean to say that the fact that posters showed up to respond your thread and communicated quite a lot about how we all felt, was a demonstration that we do care, which is the opposite of apathy. 

In other words, I took your original post to mean, gee, doesn't anyone care?  and everyone replied yes, we do care, very much.  Then, when this is pointed out (the caring and response), the direction of the conversation changes to identifying with the victims.  I missed this change of direction in the original thread.  So good thing you started a new one.

If you were emphasizing your identification with the victims (most of us do on some level), I didn't read it in the original post.  I sometimes have a problem of thinking about something so much and so deeply, I am not really sure how much I have spoken about it with others.  I will sometimes assume that I spoke (or wrote) about something, and it turns out I hadn't.  Is this what maybe happened here?  If I missed what you meant, I'm sorry--I really didn't catch that.  Hope this clears up what I was saying in my post quoted above. 

Having experienced the pain of not belonging, being discarded or set aside is truly a lonely feeling.  It's a big hurdle to know that not everyone will treat us this way, to change how we view the world.  I wish you success in this.

Hugs, MP

miss piggy

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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2005, 12:53:41 PM »
Dear SF,

I am further confused of why you posted your message on a message board.  Are you journaling?  Nowhere in your original message do you say you identify with the victims, but everywhere there are references to EXTERNAL response by OTHERS.  When we, the recipients of this message, respond to acknowledge this content--thereby paying attention to you and the issue you raised, you say that's not what you meant, you tell us you are too busy dealing with your own feelings to read what we have to say, and tell us we have to deal with it.  The "it" being the conversation you started. 

This is like starting to talk to someone about A, saying you meant B, and walking away because we don't get it.  Then you lock it down.  I don't know if you meant to but you just completely discounted everything we all had to say.  You want us to listen to you.  We can do that.  But you aren't listening to us.

I understand you are dealing with incredibly overwhelming feelings, issues etc.  But please do not discount and dismiss our feelings.



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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2005, 02:12:54 PM »

Whatever is going on for you I just want to say that my heart goes out to you for the fact that you are trying to deal with all this very painful stuff. 


Sallying Forth

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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2005, 10:48:27 PM »

If you were emphasizing your identification with the victims (most of us do on some level), I didn't read it in the original post.  I sometimes have a problem of thinking about something so much and so deeply, I am not really sure how much I have spoken about it with others.  I will sometimes assume that I spoke (or wrote) about something, and it turns out I hadn't.  Is this what maybe happened here?  If I missed what you meant, I'm sorry--I really didn't catch that.  Hope this clears up what I was saying in my post quoted above. 

Hugs, MP

Hi MP,
I did later on in the thread, the first page, say that what triggered me was how I could identify with the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Yet at that time I didn't realize how much I could identify with them.

Thanks for the hugs. Very much needed right now. :)
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D

Sallying Forth

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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2005, 10:52:34 PM »
I understand you are dealing with incredibly overwhelming feelings, issues etc.  But please do not discount and dismiss our feelings.


I never did.

I unlocked the thread.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 10:55:02 PM by Sallying Forth »
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2005, 05:31:54 AM »
Hi, Sallying--

It is touching to think of you looking at the victims on their roofs, abandoned, and feeling like "that is me."  I am so sorry.  No wonder the disaster was so triggering for you.

Thanks for clarifying your response for us.  I don't know what else to say except that we will try to come by in a boat for you;  no one here wants to leave anyone stranded.  Keep communicating!  It seems you are going through a lot of changes right now, lots of turmoil. I send hugs, too.  And the desire to listen and understand.



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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2005, 08:59:40 AM »
Sorry to have done my part of hijacking your other thread SallyF and thankyou for unlocking it.  I can relate to being discarded and I feel for you for this having triggered so much pain for you.  On the other hand, I think it's a good thing too because that pain, those feelings of being discarded need to be realized and released and acknowledged.  Maybe then that will help to relieve some of the discomfort of the past.  So the good thing is that you are aware of those raw feelings and expressing some of that here.  Good for you!

For the present, please know that no one here discards you. 




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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2005, 04:49:54 PM »
Hi ((((Sallying))))

Thanks for unlocking the first Katrina thread. I have to say that I do identify with the NOLA victims of Hurricane Katrina. Had we lived in NOLA, we very well might have been among those that were left behind. That's not the only reason I post there, but the identification is certainly there. 

I don't want to discard anyone anywhere and certainly not here on this life-affirming board.

You survived a childhood that sounds very much like ritual abuse. Your strength amazes me. Please keep posting and talking about it.

Sallying Forth

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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2005, 10:52:45 PM »
Hi ((((Sallying))))

You survived a childhood that sounds very much like ritual abuse. Your strength amazes me. Please keep posting and talking about it.

Hi Amethyst,
It was ritual abuse and more.

I've been reluctant to share any details about what happened due to many reasons. I guess number one is how unbelievable the memories are. I had a very difficult time believing any of it could be true. So I can imagine what someone else might think.

Today on Dr. Phil, of all places, I heard a young man share some of his horror story about being in one foster home. What happened to him on a daily basis is eerily similar to what my bioNfather did to me. He was tied up in a garage and everyday the foster parents would throw cold water on him. I know most people could not fathom someone doing that to a helpless child. But I can because I have experienced that and more.

In my current memory (I am trying hard to write about in my book.) I was suspended upside down from the ceiling by one foot, restrained so that I could not fight my perpetrators, and then tortured by them. There were three men. I don't know how old I am but I do know that one of those men is my bioNfather who is a sadist. And I know who the other two men are. I have yet to see exactly what they are doing to me but know it must be bad to have had a warning dream of a memory about to surface.

I keep thinking - shouldn't I be done with this by now? I've been working on this for years and I'm 52 f***ing years old! Yet I never knew before that my own father was my perpetrator. When I accepted that fact this new layer of memories began to surface. I guess I should have foreseen this inevitable turn of events after my bday in July. Yet I was in serious denial - that river in Egypt. :wink:
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2005, 12:32:28 AM »
I've been reluctant to share any details about what happened due to many reasons. I guess number one is how unbelievable the memories are. I had  a very difficult time believing any of it could be true. So I can imagine what someone else might think.

SF - im sorry you are having these horrible memories & dreams and issues. this probably wont help at all but i want you to know, that over a year i was on a list entirely for ritual abuse survivors...  (im not, i was there for another reason). the stories i heard there........

i know you still may not want to share anything and it doesnt really help at all for me to say this, but i want you to know that whatever it is, i personally believe you, even if you dont want to talk about it ....  i wish there was something more i could do to help out.  (((((((((((sf)))))))))))


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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2005, 02:31:39 AM »
I keep thinking - shouldn't I be done with this by now? I've been working on this for years and I'm 52 f***ing years old!
SF please be gentle to yourself.  You heal when you heal, as someone told me, not when you think you ought to heal.  Going more slowly is preferable to exploding and falling apart, isn't it?  I think it's more manageable.

You have time to work this all out at a rate of speed you can handle.   You don't have any deadlines or timetables to meet.  What you went through was vast and many a weaker person would never have been able to get through it and start to heal.  Your journey to hell was a long one, and your journey back cannot be rushed.

I hear you and I believe you. 
If anyone would not believe you, I think it would have more to do with their own inability to grasp the extent of inhumanity that exists.  Also their desire for it not to exist.



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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2005, 05:16:46 AM »


Believe you 101%. Please be gentle with yourself. To me it is a miracle that you survived and are out there facing your pain.

A book that might help right now: Maiden King by Robert Bly and Marion Woodman.

Very, very few can truly understand or empathize with what you're feeling right now--for you've suffered depths of a very dark universe veiled from the rest of us--but most will give you the next best thing: a hug, a flower, a cup of hot tea, a smile.



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Re: My Reality ... continuation of MY response to Katrina Apathy thread
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2005, 05:42:00 AM »

You make me cry with your courage.  I believe you and I believe in you.  I wish I could say or do more to make it easier for you.  the dark depravity that exists in some humans shocks me and fills me with sadness.

Keep on posting we are all here for you and will support you however we can...

Spyralle x