Hi longtire, thanks for the welcome! Good to see another NT!!
I was so afraid to check the board, in case I would be called a witch...or an N!!

Could you elaborate on what hyour father meant by "sender?" I often have vivid dreams when I am growing emotionally and going through changes, but my dreams are always reflective. In other words I dream about things I have recently learned, or occasionally about things that my unconscious is about to make my conscious aware of. I have never had a predictive dream. Maybe I am a "sender," though I'm not really sure what that is!
OK. Even though they may share some characteristics (ie. they are related to the unconscious), I would separate telepathy/radiesthesia from dreams b/c IMO in the first case you are conscious and subconscious is used, and in the 2nd case you are more in the unconscious than the subconscious.

About telepathy:
What he meant by "sender" is simple : whatever the type of communication (telephone, internet,telepathy..

), you have a "sender" and a recipient. Here he would unconsciously "send" a message to me as an emotion and I would "recieve" it as a feeling of a strong emotion.
Here is what happened one evening in last december :
-I first felt extremely sad (w/o any reason), then I had obessessing thoughts (i.e. whatever I would do they would stay in my mind). They were very strong feelings of anger/rage about my older sister who had been not been willing to tell my father about her disease (hepatite C), sort of family secret.
-Then I had a clear image of a cat very wet and very afraid (as if he had stayed a long time outside in the rain), waiting at the door and finally the door opened. At the time I just thought I had a strong thought about a dead cat I had and loved in my childhood.
-The day after, I called my mum, and she said "you know I finally told your father about Mary's disease". Then she said the cat had the most horrible fight she ever had, and was totally wet by the rain before she could open the door for her. I said "I know, I know", without being surprised or aware that I should not have known. Of course she thought I was making this up. When I asked her "how dad react to the news?", she answered "he said nothing and went to his room".
I think my father had an overwhelming feeling that I could feel it at a distance. He told me later that he did not think about me at this time. But he said he was not surprised I could have "felt" his emotion and the cat's (

please don't laugh..). Here my father (and the cat?) would be the "senders" and I would be the "recipient".
My father told me another story (according to him, confirming he was a sender

) : when he was about my age, he was sent to the army (which he absolutely abhores) and after he defended a soldier, they put him in the army "jail" for one month. He said his mother told him afterwards that she had "seen" him crying and being desperate and being behind a wall at this time,but she did not know he was sent to jail. I remember when I could hear her voice I always felt "goose bumps" on my head and my neck, a strange and very noce feeling. Now that I have parcticed a bit of tai chi, I know it was about feeling some of her energy (chi). So my father was (again) the "sender" and his mother was the "recipient".
I had heard other stories from Poland (where the parents of my father lived until the 1930s) related to radiesthesia/Radionics, but I will save them for another time...

Another story is about someone I had met a few months ago who seems to be an ENTP or INFP. The three times he called in 3 months were right after the roughest crisis I had been through. Here I seem to be the "sender" and he would be the "recipient". I did not pick up the phone as I was feeling too vulnerable to accept any help (seen as intrusion).
Other "strange" things have happened to me during thie time period (May thru July), but I have not understood them enough to be willing to talk about them now (I am still uncomfortable w/ this

About dreams
This feels more scary to me, maybe b/c it is more deeply in the unconscious (and more uncontrollable?). I was deeply shocked and cried a lot when I found out that this could have been a premonitory dream. I have had telepathy experiences / coincidental things happening to me in the past, but I never thought I could have such dreams. I felt like it was a curse or something. Especially when I learnt that my older sister had been trying to have a baby for the past 5 years, and also that in the dream, one of the baby was suffering physically and psychologically (which I never said to anybody).
I am not superstitious, but to tell you the truth, I have stopped writing my dreams since then (advice of my mother) and I try to not remember them.
I have not even dared to open again the book where I used to write my dreams. I know it sounds childish and/or ridiculous but I just can't.
RL, I have also been spiritual all my life, from my earliest memories. I connect it is some way with being sensitive, but I haven't really thought it through as to how I think it is connected. Does one "cause" or lead to the other? I'll have to spend some time reflecting on that one. I am enoying this thread. Glad you're back RL!
To me, being spriritual or sensitive is strongly related in the sense that it means having a high creativity / intuition level. To me it means being interested in anything that is not on the conscious level : art, writings, dreams, telepathy, psychoanalysis, energy, radiesthesia, etc...
However, it's b/c I realize that I have a strong T to "protect" me that I now dare to buy a few books about radiesthesia, natural energy/healing but I am still very very careful.
What I heard is that lots of people try to get into that to obtain things like power, love, money, whatever... To me it is ridiculous, it's not about "special powers" (like dear mommy thinks..

) but it's about an open mind and being extremely receptive. In fact I see this more in terms of being a recipient than being a sender, b/c IMO I think the sender is not aware of sending but the recipient can become aware of receiving (by being more conscious of his feelings).
A woman who was working in a medical magnetotherapy store told me to stay as far as possible from esoterism, and stay in the path of medical/healing. She confirmed that it is some kind of "gift" (I still have trouble w/ this word, sounds N to me

), that ususally appears when in your 30s and that grows stronger when you grow older.
She then said that "gifted people" will feel better only if they nurture this gift, so that energy can be released.
To me it was a really important statement. This is why I have decided lately to postpone my coming back to the workplace as an IT consultant and keep working from home as a translator, to be able to get as much free time as possible to focus on this topic. I see this choice more as a necessity than as a simple "hobby" as I need to understand more about this and deal with it. I do not want to get sick again or go through the same crisis as last spring.
Sorry for the long post..

.. but this is a topic that I enjoy a lot. I hope I answered some of your questions. I am waiting for your comments..
(right now I am trying to connect energy concepts w/ psychoanalysis, ie energy/body therapy. I am currently reading "Bioenergy" by Alexander Lowen and it is really really great...
