That felt like cruelty.
Yes, that's definitely a put down and your therapist should never use that tone with you.
I have been in your situation, and I felt really concerned for you. So to get a better idea of where you are at, I tried to look up your past posts on the board; hope you don’t mind.
Anyway, I found you had posted things like you talk to your therapist every day, and you are afraid that you are a narcissist and a creep! You also said that your therapist says that you have narcissistic tendencies. Which tendencies do you have that you think are narcissistic? May be instead of just assuming things about yourself or taking someone else’s word about it, you can slowly examine them yourself?
You are NOTHING like a narcissist, and not a creep either. If after four years of therapy, if you are still afraid that you are a narcissist, if you feel you are a “horrible person because of her” (i.e. your therapist), then could it possibly be that this therapy may be helping you to survive on a day to day basis, but not helping you very much to get better?
I can understand your being afraid. You have been close to her and she has been your main source of support all these years. However, it is really good that you are asking these questions, and putting them out there where others can share their experiences too. Just take it slowly and mull over things.
In the meantime, take care of yourself…..
Hugs, Marta