((((((October)))))). How are you doing? Sending you love.
Well, I am still here. I didn't get any ironing done, nor any gardening.

However, I finished reading Oliver Twist (yet again).
And I took my daughter out to visit a pet shop, because her budgie died a couple of days ago, and we had to bury her in the garden. So we went to look at other birds, but we didn't buy one, because neither of us wants to rush into getting another pet just yet. However, the canaries looked very sweet ... Maybe for her birthday in February.

Also I rang the hospital where my ex is currently, and he now says he does not have cancer. Two weeks ago the hospital told me he was dying, now he says he is fine and going home next week. Which does not fit with the chemotherapy, the cirrhosis, the brain scans, or the problems with breathing because it has spread to his lungs.
Struggling to detach from this insanity, and to remember that he is not fine, he does have cancer, and that denial is a very real feature of many people who are seriously ill. And of alcoholics. And their parents. I probably sound stupid, but I have had my reality distorted so many times by this <expletive>, it is a real struggle to maintain it.
I tend to believe what I am told, and then have to work out that perhaps it is not true, and I find that really difficult. I find it hard to understand that some people say what is not true. That is the part of me which did not ever grow up; just a kid who pretends to be adult, thinking everyone says what is true all the time, because why would they lie? Except that what they say is not true. But why would they lie? Looping round and round. Why would they lie?
And the adult me has to break into that and try to understand that ex (and his parents) is lying because he cannot face the reality of his own mortality, and imminent death. And I also have to realise that denying it will not make it go away, any more than believing it will make it happen. And also that it is not my problem. My daughter is my concern. My ex is not, because he threw away that right years ago. Step away from it.
Depression a bit of a problem. Understandable, though, I think.
Thank God for divorce. And for ex being 100 miles away from us.