Author Topic: Looking for magic  (Read 3851 times)


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Looking for magic
« on: September 23, 2005, 05:46:37 AM »
This one is because of something Plucky said in a post to Bloopsy about magic, and I thought it was a good idea.

I thought we could all go looking for magic, and then come and tell one another what we found.

Off to look>>>>>>>>>>>>


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2005, 11:22:07 AM »
:D  October - just look around!  It's everywhere!  The place I live is so beautiful, everyday is magic.  Babies, puppies, kittens... magic!  There was a bird singing... magic!   Charlotte Church's voice... magic!  There is art and beauty and magic all around, if you look. :) 


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2005, 12:01:58 PM »
I like your idea of going around to look for magic----  that is an inspiring way to live!!
I am going to tyr to find some today. Love Bloopsy


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2005, 12:47:10 PM »
Best thing I have found so far is the leaves on the bushes opposite my house.  The are turning from green to the most glorious shade of red, and there are red berries as well, to feed the birds through the winter.

I was going to try to go outside, but so far haven't managed to do that :(.  But I can see the leaves through the windows.  I was also going to try to visit my friend B for a cup of tea, but that is also beyond me at present.  Maybe next week.  We all need something to aim for.   :lol: :lol:

If I was well, I would go and walk through the wet grass in bare feet (it was raining earlier).  But I can think about what it would be like.   :)


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2005, 10:16:39 PM »

Five years ago, I lost two beloved cats. To cancer. Yes, I know. I've had a lot of practice...

I was able to get one of them to purr into the phone and record her on my voicemail at work, a couple of times. Tried to get the other one's purr recorded too but his was too soft...

Now we are moving offices and of course changing voicemail systems, and although they spent $2000.00, yes, 2K apiece, for VOIP phones that we none of us need or wanted, they can't forward our stored messages and will just delete all of them.

I was frantically trying to record these voicemails, but wasn't having any luck. Out of nowhere an acquaintance emailed to ask how the move was going... I told him this was the only bad part, losing the recordings of her purr... he said he might be able to download them to his computer, and since we work at the same place I gave him my access code so he could try.

Tonight I logged in and found .wav files in my inbox....

magic. magic. miracle.


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2005, 05:42:58 PM »
I have been wanting my own dishes and today I found a whole set of plates with pretty autumny colored folowers on them in the street!!! That is magic 4 me. Also, I was feeling like I needed a hug and found a huge white teddy bear with the name of one of my inner children embroidered on it on the street!!!


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2005, 10:40:28 PM »
The only real magic I've ever found is what C.S. Lewis called "deep magic" in the Narnia series.
If you look for it, it will find you.



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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2005, 06:50:30 AM »

Tonight I logged in and found .wav files in my inbox....

magic. magic. miracle.

That is such a lovely story, Storm!!  I'm so pleased for you.   :)


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2005, 06:52:11 AM »
I have been wanting my own dishes and today I found a whole set of plates with pretty autumny colored folowers on them in the street!!! That is magic 4 me. Also, I was feeling like I needed a hug and found a huge white teddy bear with the name of one of my inner children embroidered on it on the street!!!

How did these things arrive on the street, Bloopsy?  Has someone lost them or thrown them away??

Pleased you found them, though.  Hoping you find more magic today.   :)


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2005, 06:54:35 AM »
Not sure if this counts as magic, but I managed to get outside yesterday long enough to cut the back lawn, which was rather long.  And then it rained overnight, which is good because the grass has gone lovely and green again.

So now the garden looks lovely and inviting, and the sun is almost shining between the clouds, so I will do more gardening and tidy the place up a bit for winter.  And today is Sunday, which  means ironing.  If I can be bothered, with all that lovely outdoorsy stuff to do.   :lol:


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 08:39:29 AM »
Dear October-- I think it counts as magic to get outside after you haven't been able to for a while. I know it sure feels like it! I'm so glad you got to go out with the magic leaves.
People around where I live put things out on the street / garbadge, and when the stuff is still nice, sometimes they leave it visible so someone can find it!!! Last month I found a light green velvety chair!!!! I guess I think of it as magic-like  because I was wishing for my own cooking supplies and things to put in my room to make it nice but not able to afford anything, and then there they were!!!! Also, a little spice rack!!!
Hoping for a magic day for all of us,


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Re: Looking for magic (love)
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 08:41:04 AM »
HI everyone,

As I read this post, I keep wondering how interesting it is that all of us here find magic (love) in nature and things around us. I, too, feel the magic and beauty in this. My bigger comment is this:   Where (what, when, and how) do WE find magic in our human relations? Is this magic found in moments of a relationship? Is a close relationship created by these moments? With whom? What about family...can we find any piece of magic there... if we look hard enough? What about us, individually and together?

I often find great wonder and magic in a brief encounter with all kinds of strangers, too. I enjoy a special smile shared with a passer-by, or maybe, a brief comment to share a chuckle with a waitress.  But I wonder, do these more simple examples of magic say anything about the magic of moments in a relationship, rather than, a relationship of the moment? Although not intended, (I'm sorry to admit this to myself) I think I hold stronger confidence in the magic of nature....

How about you? How does magic fit into the people you know...any of them? Is our relationship with the magic in nature, maybe before people, due to our voicelessness?  I'm very interested to know your thoughts.


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 12:28:13 PM »
Next month, I will be marrying the man I thought I had lost 25 years ago. That is magic.

Two years ago, I thought my ex husband and outside circumstances controlled my life. I know now, that I control my life.
That is magic.

I didn't know that friends could be found in cyberspace.....but they can! That is magic.


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Re: Looking for magic (love)
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2005, 05:12:23 PM »

How about you? How does magic fit into the people you know...any of them? Is our relationship with the magic in nature, maybe before people, due to our voicelessness?  I'm very interested to know your thoughts.

Hiya BJ

I have had depression for many years now.  But enough of that.   :lol: :lol: :lol: 

What I find is that when I spend time with friends it has to be a very bad day for us not to find something to laugh about (even if the whole world is falling to pieces, or perhaps especially if it is).  So perhaps there is magic there.  And I find that looking into someone's eyes is magical as well - especially if you are both laughing.  It is at such moments that souls meet and embrace, imo.  And what could be more magical than that?


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Re: Looking for magic
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2005, 06:03:17 PM »

Hoping for a magic day for all of us,

That sounds so magical, as you say.  Maybe the angels put those things there for you, in answer to your prayers for nice things.  Why not??   :)

I find something similar when I go into the charity shops round here, looking for books, especially classics and historical biographies, which most people don't want.  So many people buy books and never read them, and they end up in the charity shops, and you can buy them for next to nothing.  The local Hospice shop is the best of all, because many people (myself included) prefer to support them.  So they get my unwanted books and stuff, and I buy theirs.   :D