I've never been to therapy so I seldom comment on the subject but, Holy Toledo, I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to try and talk you into a different religion are they?
She said," You need to stop being led by others and instead form your own opinions about things -for example ,adultery.What do you think of adultery?"
I did not see the relevance because this issue was not on my agenda and furthermore I was not married
The question is, was she married and was adultery on
her agenda? Did she have that 'come hither' look in her eye when she asked you this?
I'm only half joking, but that would explain many of the things she has said to you, especially after you told her to hit the road. When you think about it all of her comments sound a lot more like a jilted lover than a T. They also sound like she is in need of therapy a lot more than you are.
Maybe you should go back to her, only this time she's spilling her guts and you're rubbing your chin knowingly and asking her "How does that make you feel"........oh yeah, and this time
she has to pay
you. About $2,200 for the first session should cover it, right?
