Hi Vunil
What you are getting from your folks is something called 'intermittent reinforcement' and it is a common tactic with abusers. They do something good for you, and milk your gratitude as an excuse to do fifteen or twenty things bad to you. Then, when you call them on the bad things, they point to the one good thing, with a tear in their eye and their lower lip all a-tremble; or they blow up in your face like a blasting cap, about your 'ingratitude'.
When you catch on to this, and start noticing all the bad things, and become aware of the very skewed ratio of bad things to good ones, they switch tactics and accuse you of 'dwelling on the past'.
It ain't dwelling in the past, it 's pattern recognition, and it's one of the best tools you can have. You've used it a lot already with tremendously impressive results.
If it helps any at all - and I hope it will - you can get help, there are ways around this, but it may come from places you'd least expect, and some of it might need to be a business arrangement. Since that's a pretty blithe assertion without data to back it up, I'll share my own experience, which is pretty drastic, so should be a fair comparison.
I went through major abdominal surgery, and a prolonged convalescence after nearly bleeding to death postoperatively, without any help from my family... one or two 'church ladies' called and asked if I needed anything, but quickly took offense when I listed needs such as having the floors vacuumed [this was a white suburban snob church, and this is how I found that out. They wanted to give me fantasy help they could brag about to their friends. Vacuuming floors? How... crude. We'll send over the maid, dear.] One or two co-workers visited me ostensibly to help, but clearly expected to be waited on hand and foot and entertained by someone who was severely anemic and needed a walker to stand up. Fugeddaboudit.
The one person who helped me was a petsitter I'd already worked with and had made arrangements with in advance, knowing I'd be unable to lift bags of litter or change cat pans for weeks. Turned out that, because of my need, which paid this person 2x/day, 7days/wk, for three months, this person came through a severe dry spell in their own business OK, and was able to firmly establish themselves in business. And because of their support, which was honest and caring to an incredible extent - so much so that I was able to trust them to deposit my insurance check at the bank, and mail my bill payments - they got years and years of extremely solid references from me. [And no, it wasn't all that expensive: less costly than therapy would have been over the same interval!]
You may have some friends or coworkers who are together enough to help, or to screen hired helpers for you. Your doc, if savvy enough, may also be able to recommend someone. If there is a midwife or doula association in the area, they might be able to help too. It would be lovely if your folks were healthy enough to do you and the baby any good, but clearly, it's all about their comfort level, and not about your welfare, or your child's wellbeing, at all.
I'm glad you got home OK after that harrowing ER experience. And I'm glad the ER doc was a good 'un.