Author Topic: Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....  (Read 1726 times)


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Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....
« on: October 05, 2005, 09:47:48 PM »
Hi all, new to the board...saw him surfing sites regarding this subject and now I see why....he has now changed due to a group he belongs to, to be a 'N'....yes, with validiction, one can become an 'N' with the help of their peers...

I was a horrible woman when he loved me with all his that I am a better version of the woman he fell in love with because of the depth of our relationship and my relationship with God...he grew deeper into a whole group that want men, all men, to be "N"s....

I will not banter, but want to ask for any spiritual help, healing and guidance if you know of any that can help me survive yet ANOTHER time he's quit on us...we;ve been together over 6 years, with two seperations..but he quits me/ us so often, even my faith is waning.....

anyway...I am tear filled tonight as I don't have any nonjudgemental friends to turn to....I am reaching out to people who 'know'..and..well...I'm just reaching out for some spiritual prayers or guidance...

Thanks in advance,
M.... :(


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Re: Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2005, 10:00:30 PM »
Hey, Submissive (your name choice says a lot)! Welcome!
Please don't cry.  I don't really know your whole story, but I find it hard to believe that anyone at all should be in a subservient position in a relationship.
What kind of "n" group is it your man is part of ? Is the narcissistice aspect of it advertised? Do they use that wording?
You obviously feel bad.  Do you think somehow you deserve this treatment (you said you were a horrible woman)....
I don't know you at all, but it seems you are giving yourself the short end of the stick.
ANYONE that keeps another person feeling bad, questioning their worth, NOT LOVING the other person. 
The feelings you describe do not sound like anything close to LOVE. The behavoirs of your man also do not sound like love
Please tell us more so that we understand what is happening for you.
Please understand that you are worthy of love, real true love. And to get that, and understand that, it starts with you loving yourself enough to have the life you deserve.
bless you.


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Re: Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 12:05:58 AM »
Hello Sub,
you are in pain and I am sorry for that.  No matter how intense the pain, it always comes to an end.  The question is how long you have to bear it, and what you decide about yourself in the meantime.

Who determined that you were horrible?  Was it him?  (It wasn't God, right?) Who determined that you improved by being with him?  Um, was it him again?  Whose friends are those, the ones you can't turn to when you need a friend?  Would it be...his friends?

I don't know what your faith is, but most faiths preach that you are worthy of the love of your God.  If you are worthy of God's love, aren't you worthy of the love of an imperfect human, whether or not the love materialises, you are still worthy!

Focus on yourself now, not the wierd group your partner chose.   Put your energy to heal your own pain.  If no one seems to be there for you, can you rely on God? 


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Re: Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2005, 08:28:59 AM »
Welcome submissive,
I'm sorry for the pain you are having right now.  With the limited information you provided, I can only guess what might be going on in your relationship.  IMO it does not sound healthy and your partner does not sound like someone who is treating you with respect, love, caring and consideration.  Those things need to be present in a mutually loving relationship.  If he has found a group that supports and encourages men to have the power and women to be submissive, he is not a man who is capable of truly respecting women and is looking for justification for feeling the way he does. 

You deserve to be treated better than that.  As mum said, you need to first learn to love yourself enough to know that.  Once you can love yourself, then you can be ready to love someone else properly.



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Re: Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2005, 03:35:12 PM »
it seems to me there are two issues here: your relationship with God ( unconditional ) and your relationship with the N ( highly conditional )

But I will say this from experience- the route to God needs to be a personal spiritual quest ( for me involving contact with other developing people, nature and music etc ) rather than following a described path laid out by any MAN...for so many religions seem to be governed if not by Ns, by people who are unintuitive, cruel or judgemental. They have in their quest for power ( at first for themselves, then for others ) lost sight of what God is. Simply GOOD.

I believe in a God which is simply to me 'the spirit of conection which moves upon the face of the earth'.
I also love that Ghandi quote: GOD HAS NO RELIGION.

To me God is peace, not always understanding or even acceptance; but a transcendence of human conditions.

I sought God through the Bible, and found passages there which spoke to me, but much which awakened my anger against injustice.
I joined the Unitarian Church and ( here in the US at least ) found a church without God at it's heart was worthless- a social club where people were able to make excuses for themselves and their behaviour and call it freedom.

God be in our hearts, and in our understanding....

That's what I believe now: that like anything else we have to leap free....take a 'leap of faith' as it were, to believe what feels wholesome and right to us, and if we are to help another on a path to the same spirituality, it is with the ultimate humility, gentleness and acceptance no matter what they choose.

Anything else is a trap, to keep us in a human plan. If it's a N-plan, especially bad.

Though I have read about N-ism that the person feels they are God.
That is an illusion, not only for the N but their victims; for God is what is real, how to overcome, how to survive intact and still have love.

miss piggy

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Re: Help with Spiritual guidance regarding my man, the 'N'....
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2005, 05:45:39 PM »
Hello Sub,

Welcome to the board.  Nice to meet you.

Well, more info about your situation would be great.  But I'll venture a suggestion or two.  From the title of your thread it sounds like you want a spiritual solution or response to your on again/off again relationship.  Are you currently a member of any spiritual group?  Has anyone offered any insights or support?

The quote I'll offer is: God is within you. 

Look inside for your strength and your answers.  I read lots of books about soul (very popular to have a soul right now  :) ) and about the early church. 

The other question I had from the title of your thread is, are you looking for couples counseling or just for a way for yourself to endure? 

Write: I loved your response.  I could never summarize how I feel about religion, but you did it nicely!  I do belong to a church but I really resist the us vs them dynamic that can come up.  When are we humans going to learn that religion is not a competitive sport?  I liked your Gandhi quote.  I'll add what the Dalai Lama said: Kindness is my religion.

Ciao, MP