Bloopsy, the way I saw it after my dad died, it was a choice between loving myself and loving him, and I had chosen to love him. I am not going to make the same mistake with my mom.
Girl, I think you need some distance from your mom. I don't think that you can live in the same house or talk to her on the phone everyday, and maintain perspective on how things are. If you are trapped in a situation where you have to live with her, make it a priority to slowly work your way out of it.
Plucky, OMG, my mom did the very same things!! When I was 14, mom mentored a maid servant of the same age and played us off against each other. In fact, she'd tell me things like I will drop her off first to her school and then drop you off. Sometimes I'd suddenly see my favorite shoes on her feet, and it made me feel sooooo angry. Whne I'd protest, the family would tsch tsch over my tantrums and make fun of me. The maid was asked to address my mom as mother and me as sister (against my wishes). She was encouraged to put me down, and I howled over it every single night for like two years. For this, I became the joke of the family and a crybaby. Mom funded her education for a while, made her dream great dreams, but her story ended in a tragedy. Nmom dropped her like a hot potato when I stopped being jealous of the maid. The maid was unable to adjust between her own world and the dreams she'd been shown which she had no way of achieving without support and guidance, so she was majorly messed up. Last I heard was that the maid had become a professional hooker and once even came to our house hoping to solicit attentions of my dad, much to his disgust!
I am also in the same situation back home, where everyone still raves about mom, which is why I've chosen to live continents away. I hope you too have some geographic distance between you and your mom. I'm so sorry that you had to lose friends over your mom -- that must be infuriating. I've never really ventured to discussed the abuse to anyone except one friend. I am almost too ashamed to disclose what is going on right now, like I feel in someways it'd refelct on me too, for this is the seed from which I sprout.