When I was young, my Nmum was truly nightmarish: violent, cruel, controlling. She told me stuff like
she wished she'd never given birth to me
I'd ruined her life
Ruined her figure
Ruined her chances of having a career
she couldn't wait to get rid of me (- before she sent me to boarding school)
I disgusted her (- after I told her I thought I was having a nervous breakdown)
then that if I didn't go to university I "might as well commit suicide"
and all the rest that comes from having a barely sane Narcissist for a mother...
There were a couple of particularly difficult patches that stand out, one when we were very young and she was unable to control her anger and acted it out in violence by hitting us, breaking stuff over us, throwing things at us, squishing our bikes under the wheels of her car, making me drink salt-saturated water etc. It was terrifying.
The other was when I was an adolescent, and along with the usual traumas of that age began to find memories of violence surfacing that had previously disappeared from my memory. I had to come home from school because I coudn't stop crying and my mum took me to have my hair done and told me she thought I'd feel better if I had a nose job. Possibly, the sight of me burgeoning into a young woman aroused feelings of competitiveness in her, because around this time she began to hound me mercilessly and with bare hostility. Although the physical violence had stopped, the emotional violence was full-on. I challenged her about how violent she had been to us as little kids, saying, "you must of hated us", to which she replied "Not ALL the time". I asked how how she could be so cruel, she said, "you wouldn't OBEY me"!
Well fast-forward a few decades and Nmother has herself a career as a psychotherapist. I really thought she'd matured and developed during the psychotherapy she did and she certainly seemed better [interestingly the big breakthrough in her attitude towards me was when I bought my first house] though of course, her disrespectful and domineering regard for me had never gone away.
However, what basically seems to have happened is that the mother of old has returned and is spewing hostility towards me, having made a 'friendly' twosome with my brother and is now telling me stuff like i am no longer part of the family (she is 63). I have not encountered this sense of dislike since i was a vulnerable adolescent and I do not understand where it is coming from, but it has left me feeling troubled. I have been under the misapprehension for years that my mother had changed - still extremely narcissistic - but better. I now feel like I've revisited a very nasty place in my past and am absolutely shocked at her. It seems as though she has just regressed by 25 years back into the monster she used to be.
I just thought even N's could mature but now I'm not sure. Can they ever change or are they for ever chained into being emotional terrorists?