Sorry to hear about your bad experience with your therapist dlk, I'm wondering what would have happened if you stood up for yourself? Did you just let it happen? or did you approach your therapist about your feelings? or did you just run a mile? in a situation like that, I wonder is it better to run a mile or to confront? If you are reading this, DavidP, I'm sure you will have plenty to say about that! Do we contribute to a situation by running from it? Because we are ultimately left with the feelings that made us a victim. This is an area I am not entirely sure about...
The reason I am bringing this up is because it pertains to my situation with my therapist. In all fairness to her, I don't think she is controlling, abusive or anything like that. I just think that she can't figure me out! Ha Ha Ha! I am not sure she is working for me. BUT!... can I make it work for me, is the question. I am tempted to run a mile, but surely I should try to remedy the situation first. I think I should go to her, explain the situation and then take hold of the reigns which i am not comfortable doing. I am someone who has always been led you see.
I have a feeling my therapist would be more than happy to accomodate me in how I would like to steer the session. I want her to encourage me to slot into my self and stay there! I want her to guide me back when i start to break apart from myself. I want her to show me how I am mistreating myself. At the moment I feel like she is busying herself with trying to find what's wrong with me. She flits from painful subject to painful subject leaving it undealt with and leaving me wide open. She is not always right either. I don't think she is aware of it, and I have let her assume what she likes about me as I figured I was none the wiser. I feel like she thinks I am a bad/messed up person and that she thinks I'm at fault in everything I do. Now this could be a huge case of transference, i don't know. You see, I experienced this so much as a kid. If I would go to my Mother about an argument I had with someone, or anything, she would always take the side of the other person, thinking they know better, always putting me at fault. She would never validate my feelings or my view of things. I'm sure this is where i picked up my feelings of worthlessness.
So...I am feeling this now with my therapist. It's causing me a lot of anxiety and i am not sure if I am imagining it or jumping to conclusions. I am feeling hyper sensitive these days. I feel like I have shed all my layers and I am wide open and am unbelieveably vulnerable... because i am feeling this way, I have to be very careful. Because I am being hyper careful and hyper afraid, I feel like I jump to conclusions unnecessarily, like an over protective mother over a newly born babe. I simply don't trust my judgement as I am too changeable! I have to let someone in to help me. In that sense, I think October's post is right, I need to slow down with my therapist, so I can suss her out and see if I can trust her. If she doesn't respond to my requests, then fair enough, i will have to give her the flick.
MP, thanks so much for your advice on what to say regarding friends issue, I have been so anxious with how to approach her about it, I have been afraid it will come out the wrong way! I don't want it to sound like a confrontation.
Brigid, Thank you.
x Selkie x