Well, I felt some sadness last night, but mostly I felt acceptance. It was a new experience to get to acceptance without extreme struggle this time. I thought about a lot of the painful experiences in my life, mainly from growing up. I am now able to see them not as showing problems with me, but the problems my parents had. And, instead of struggling against it, this time I was able to just see each for what it was and accept it. Plucky, the scary truth was that my parents didn't love me. Oh, they did their best, but they never gave me any idea I was seen, heard, valued, wanted, protected, liked, loved or anything else. When you are a kid, it is terrifying to realize that your parents don't really care whether you are around or not. Not even to have the twisted, corrupted direction of N parents for guidance or feedback. That feels like utter aloneness. That feels like life or death. After all, if my own parents don't care about me, why would anyone else EVER care about me? (or take care of me)
To protect myself from being aware of that aloneness and existing in panic all the time, I figured that I must be bad and that if I could just fix the badness in me, then they would love me. The problem was, I had made the badness up. I could never seem to figure out how I was bad, or how I affected people or situations badly. I was putting all my energy into finding the cure to this imaginary badness that I had invented exactly to distract me and suck up all that worrying energy. Of course, it just turned into something else to worry about in every situation.
In a way, though, it worked. I survived my childhood with hope that I would one day figure things out, stop being bad and be lovable. It just turns out I didn't have to do the first two, and the third was always there, just that no one ever told me. Now, I take care of myself with some support from my chosen family. I'm no longer terrified of aloneness, because I'm always there to keep myself company. I still do long for caring and love. I no longer see that as an unattainable goal or a quest to fix some undefined problem with me. I see that as something I can actually have in my life. Not in the distant future as some theoretical goal, but as something *I* can *really* have. No hoops to jump through or impossible tasks. Just "normal" self-caring and protection.
P.S. Got a nasty note from STBXW. Everything is calculated to be "polite," no swearing or anything obvious. But the tone is derisive, demanding and snide. The good news is that I no longer buy into any of her guilt-tripping on any level, unconscious or conscious. I see it as sad and humorous now that I understand what is really going on. I just read it, look for the point or two that matters, and decide how I will respond. I feel so different now. It is definitely good, but new and will take some getting used to. I'm not even afrid that I will react rather than responding now. Her attacks and attempts at control are not going to work on me anymore because I make my own decisions about what I will do. She can't play on my beating myself up for my mythical badness. I'm not playing that game with myself anymore.