Well, I told my wife that I am getting a divorce today. I went by a couple of times yesterday, but she was out. I was having a lot of fear and doubt yesterday and even this morning. I could have found 100 easy ways to NOT call, let me tell you. By today she had discovered that my full paycheck did not go into our joint account. I had only transferred enough money to cover the bills for the other house and her "allowance." She called to ask what was up and I told her I would come by to explain. Well, she called back after fifteen minutes and said she wanted me to tell her over the phone rather than coming over. So, I did.
I told her that I had my paycheck going into my account and would transfer enough money over to cover things. When she asked why, I told her that I have decided to get a divorce. She asked when she would be served and I told her that I hoped we could work things out, or at least find the areas of disagreement and go to mediation. I figure that I will give it a couple of days and get in touch again to work out how we can work out an arrangement. She asked when I was going to tell our daughter. I asked if she wanted to be involved, and she said, "No, I wan't *you* to do it." I didn't think it was possible at this point, but she went down a LONG WAY in my opinion with that. What a selfish, cowardly, manipulative cop out!

I feel angry, disappointed, and shocked once again. How can her behavior continue to shock me after all this time?
So, I asked my D to come over today and after a little small talk, I told her. She cried, and I hugged her, feeling awful.

Its my job as parent to protect and provide for her and I can't do that in this situation. We talked some and I reassured her that it was OK to feel whatever she does feel. We talked a little about anger and how it is part of grieving and that it is OK with me for her to express anything that she feels to me, even the tough stuff and I would never go away or love her any less. She said the hardest thing for her was not that we are splitting up, but that she had just started getting used to the current separation and now this just puts everything up in the air again. I told how sorry I am that this makes things harder for her and how that is the last thing I want, but sometimes these things happen. She left after a while to drive around and clear her head. She said she will come back later. I made sure she was OK to drive before I let her go and asked her to give me a call if she doesn't come back today, just to let me know she's OK.
My D told me that the thing she is most afriad of is having to move out of the house we all lived together in. After that, I am willing to work something out with my wife to let her stay there for a few years. I'm really not sure I would want to live there ever again. I'll find some way to give my daughter that much stability at least.
I'm exhausted, but glad that I didn't back off this time. I'm much more clear now on what I need and what I want in life. I'm also much more clear on myself in general. Thank God.