Hi guys i am wondering if you have any acdivece about dealing with and helping a suicidal friend. My friend told me that he is considering suicide, and he is currently living at home with his abusive parents. I am obviously not equipped to help him. He previously attempted suicide with his medication, which he abuses currently. I am very freaked out and also feeling like I can't talk to him so much, because it makes me so scared and angry, and also i just don't feel like talking to me is helpful to him past a certain point, and I am obviously incapable of talking someone down from suicide even though i wish that I was.. I don't know what to do. My only idea is to go to this AA meeting on Wednesday where there are other gay men who might give me their numbers to give to him. I would go to visit him but I just don't know if i can handle it alone. He is very vigilantly negative, and who could blame him, and I am not capable of doing much. I am very scared because I know that he has attempted this before and is also very isolated and smoked crack recently which is a very bad sign. I don't want to call 911--- but I may be being really neglegent not to. i feel like getting him in touch with other gay males who may be in a position where they could help him may be the best idea but what if time runs out????? He is very isolated from all but the exploitative aspects of the gay community which adds to his depression. I am not capable of dealing with this at all---- I feel weird calling this guy from that meeting because he is very young and I feel like I may overwhelm him, and thought that if I just spoke about it at a meeitng that those who were capable/felt able to handle it might offer to give me thier numbers to deal give to him which might help him to break out of his isolation. Am I playing God by not calling 911??? I do not want to traumatize my friend further and I don't trust those people to treat him well . I had another friend who was suicidal and they came to take him away and when he got out he drowned himself in a river and I think that the trauma of being forced to stay in a hospital contributed to his death.
I guess I also just feel really mad at my friend for some things that he has said to me over time which have hurt me very badly, and I am trying to write them off because how can I expect him to be sensitive to me what with how he is feeling, but at the same time I feel overwhelmed by him talking about killing himself all the time and being sort of mean about some stuff that is sensitive to me----- he is my closest friend and I admit that I want to withdraw at times--- but at the same timie to do all that I can to help him.