Hi October,
I agree with what others have said here. Don't worry about his claims about you. You define you, not his reactionary comments. Not at all. Don't waste another moment on it. There is something else that bothers me about his comments (yeah, like there isn't enough on the surface already!)
"October was clearly agitated and angry today. She remains convinced that she needs long-term psychotherapeutic intervention. She does not need psychiatric input as she remains reluctant to start any psychotropic medication. She became verbally abusive towards me as she was clearly not happy with my various suggestions.
Even IF all this were true... Gee, an agitated and angry therapy client.

Does this guy have any clue what he's supposed to be doing? At all? Even a tiny bit? Then he goes on to say that you don't need therapy because you are reluctant to take meds. Does he have any inkling that that is your decision and your right (as long as you are not insane AND dangerous to yourself or others)? Also, a verbally abusive patient. Did he skip class on the days that his classes and training talked about the BLATANTLY OBVIOUS: clients will be in extreme pain, distress, discomfort, and have not learned how to interact successfully with others yet, so THAT IS WHY THEY ARE COMING TO GET HELP FROM *YOU*!
In the meantime, October will need to be re-assessed by the Complex Therapy Service as to whether or not she would benefit from further psychotherapy.
Do you think he realizes that this contradicts his earlier pronouncement of absolute judgement on you in the first paragraph?
With regards to her mental state today there were no clear signs of depression, anxiety or psychosis. However, it was extremely difficult to establish any sort of therapeutic relationship today. She was wilfully confrontational and aggressive towards me, resulting in unacceptable verbal abuse."
Did he also miss ALL lectures on setting boundaries, protecting himself, professional detachment, and dealing with clients who lash out verbally? Even if what he said was true? The hole gets deeper.
If I were this person's boss, or in charge of his review, I would note that this person does not seem to have any idea of WHAT his job is, let alone any clue HOW to do his job. Though his words are phrased as an attack on you, ALL they do is admit that he is not competant and at the very least needs training to fill the gaping holes in his abilities. How much do you want to bet that this person was one who chose to NOT take therapy themselves while in training to give it?
I often wish I had mud's ability to poke holes in these people with a few hilarious words. Instead I just get all steamed up about it. It's wrong and I feel mad. I'm sorry that you have to deal with/aroudn this person, October. It is hard enough when you are getting help and support in these situations. No one needs to behave in ways that just make it harder. Keep advocating for yourself and trusting the outcome will be what you need.