Author Topic: Letter from Dr Evil  (Read 6350 times)

miss piggy

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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2005, 04:50:16 PM »
Hey now!

Hi October!!!  You know, when things are just so out of touch with reality, I laugh from the sheer nervousness it stirs up in me.  Like, "are you for real Dr. Evil? "   If you can dress like him, you'll have the scariest costume for Halloween!

Like the posts above, I saw the contradictions of what this idiot was saying immediately.  I hope any rational person reviewing this does too.  I think you rattled him so bad, he dashed off a really stupid CYA letter.  I mean, talk about Catch-22!!!  :shock:  "The woman is so out of hand, she doesn't need therapy, she needs to be re-evaluated by a dept that doesn't exist anymore for therapy that isn't working".  So very helpful.  Not. 

This is really beyond the pale.  I hope he gets canned.  But most important, I hope you get the resources you were going for in the first place.  What an achievement it will be.  And by what you relay above, it sounds like you have two sane professionals and an ombudsperson in your corner.  You go, girl!! 

Hugs and more hugs, MP


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2005, 10:29:48 AM »
Thanks MP.   :D

It is now ten days since I sent my letter of complaint.  The Trust promises I will receive a written acknowledgment within two days.  Nothing whatever.  So I rang up today to ask whether they have the complaint.  I was promised a phone call back to let me know.

Then I waited for the call.  Then I got very distraught and upset.

So then I printed the whole lot off again, and put it into my bag to hand deliver tomorrow, if I hear nothing meanwhile.

Is it just me????????????????   :shock:


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2005, 10:37:23 AM »
No I don't think it's you October. You deserve a response and you deserve a response when you were told you would get one. I don't think it is at all unreasonable to get a little shirty with the people that promised you one.

So there!

miss piggy

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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2005, 05:27:07 PM »
OK, evil thought...

what if you told these folks that you are an investigative reporter 8)...what response would you get then???

Hey, don't really do this!  Just another "let's get even" fantasy from a still-voiceless-sometimes person.

PS it's not you. 


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2005, 05:48:23 PM »
Hi October,

This is the usual red tape in all institutions, not you or just this case or just this Trust. When we are vulnerable, we tend to take everything personally, and the system can be a b***ch sometimes. I really do wish you will find a kind ear, as I know you've been struggling with simply finding help for quite sometimes now. They must have gotten the complaint, as this guy's letter seems to be in retaliation. Wish you didn't have to go through all this!

Hugs, Marta


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2005, 05:52:51 PM »
Your idea is not such a bad one, MP.  My career, many eons ago, was PR.  I know how to access journalist support if I need to, and the fantasy is a good one.

I have used the MP route in the past.  I doesn't achieve much long term, but it certainly makes people wake up and do what they are supposed to do.  I will give this one a week, and then maybe write to dear K.  (My MP).

Meanwhile, life goes on ...

Thanks, Cadbury as well.  I am trying not to get too cross as yet, but I wonder when things are going to change.  I don't ask anyone to make promises, but when they do, I seem to be always disappointed.  What am I doing wrong?  Diane said I expect too much, but is it too much to expect that when you are told that you will have a response in two days, to actually wait ten days (to allow for everything imaginable, such as post, typing speeds etc etc) and then be disappointed?

Maybe it is the level of disappointment that is the issue.  But that is because of how many times this has happened.  The first time it hardly registers, but by now I have lost count.

I am not sure I understand how this world works any more.   :(

Thanks Marta.  You are right, I am taking this personally.  I am not sure how not to do that any more.  I am too involved, and the cost of failure is too high - and too personal - for me not to.  I am really struggling with nasty thoughts and stuff on my own, and I can't even get a return phone call when it is promised.

It feels like drowning in sight of land, and seeing everyone sitting sunbathing as you come up for the third and last time.  They can see what is happening, but nobody can be **sed to throw a lifebelt.

Good job I can't drown.  Maybe that is because of coming from a family of witches.   :lol:


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2005, 09:51:29 PM »
Diane said I expect too much, but is it too much to expect that when you are told that you will have a response in two days, to actually wait...and then be disappointed?
This really got me thinking, October. It sounds like a monologue from my own head (how'd you get in here? :))What does "too much" really stand for? I think it might stand for "too much hope." Maybe that sounds awful, but I've been reading some amateur Buddhist stuff. They say, DON'T hope, and you'll suffer less. I don't think they mean don't be cheerful, open, or optimistic. Instead I'm beginning to think it means, don't SET YOURSELF UP with hope, or with expecting things you have no control over. So, knowing what you know about how the system, the bureaucracy, so often operates (or fails to)...could expecting the two days to really mean two days be a way of setting yourself up?

I bet nobody would disagree that if they SAY two days, they should PERFORM
two days. But somehow, "they" -- the little bureaucrat making such promises-- has lost power, so even though you shouuld be able to, the reality is probably that such promises can't be taken too specifically. The legally documented sort of stuff? You betcha. But a verbal, busy-clerk kind of promise...sounds dim.

What' if what's really driving your focus on what they're (not) doing can be flipped over? I wonder if it's really an expression of the enormity of your own drive to be whole? In that light, even your frustration might be a sign of healing. You want it SO much that you want to blast past delays to the greater wholeness that you are as determined and destined to reach as a bird taking flight. Your wings are already working, so I don't think anything related to speed can ultimately slow you down.

(Boy, I'm such a windbag. I know it.)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2005, 01:38:07 PM »
HI October:

Late reading here (I think my pc is fixed..........for now.........or else.........who knows??? Man!!  I find it  so frustrating being pc illiterate!!! :?)

Something struck me as I read this thread:

I find myself falling into believing that Dr I is right, and that all he says means that I deserve nothing at all. were angry and would need therapy to deal with it, right?  I mean, is it healthy to be angry and aggressive??  So, if you ask me, this dork doc stuck his foot in his mouth in a very efficient manner.

He said you have no problems and then went on to list the problems.  How dense is that???

And WHOO?? gets to decide what you deserve???

This dorky foot-in-mouth-sticking doc???

IMO, you deserve to feel healthy........emotionally, mentally, physically, etc and if you don't feel healthy.....then you are not only entitled to seek help to get to that mode, but admirable and brave for continuing to seek it, regardless of block-head letters from dorky docs.




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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2005, 02:15:55 PM »
Dear October,
I hope my post wasn't dorky or insensitive. I believe you are entitled to proper and prompt help, and I also think that doctor was guilty of malpractice.

My "Buddhism" tangent wasn't meant to suggest being passive about getting the care you deserve. I just resonated with your painful frustration over the delays. A lot. Was trying to think of ways of coping with that feeling.

I hope the logjam is coming unstuck and getting you the help you need, asap!
And I hope my post wasn't too aggravating. In hindsight, I think it wasn't very well-tuned.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2005, 04:46:50 PM »
Thanks for your help, everyone, as always.  No Hopalong, your thoughts were useful.  But you may have missed the point that when promised 2 days I waited 10 before becoming distressed.

In the past I have had letters of referral go missing completely.  I don't know what happens elsewhere, but here in the third world UK when a doctor makes a referral there is no follow up whatever to that letter.  If it goes astray for whatever reason, then there is no protection for the patient.  I have suffered from this more than once, and so have to take responsibility on myself to ensure that communication happens in the way it should.

I once checked the waiting list time for a particular referral and was told it would take two to three months.  So I waited three months, and then rang the hospital concerned to find the letter of referral had never arrived.  I then had to ring my GP and request a fax copy of the referral be sent.  I was then sent an appointment for three months later.  I complained, via my MP, and the appointment was brought forward one month.  So I ended up waiting five months for a 2 - 3 month appointment.

The Buddhist approach of non violence and non intervention might work in some cases, but when dealing with the NHS I have learned that I have to follow through on everything.  I have to ask when I will expect to hear from people.  If they promise to phone, I have to ask how long it is likely to be before they do.  If anyone makes a commitment to me, I warn them that I prefer not to have the commitment if they are not sure of keeping it, because in the end I am the one who pays the price for this level of administrative complacency and - well, what else could you call it but incompetence.

A simple admin system of reply card or phone call for each referral would prevent this from happening.  But there is no such safety net in place.  It is the most vulnerable who suffer, time and again.

I had a phone call today from the Complaints Manager.  She wanted to know specifically what I am complaining about in the letter from Dr I.  I told her several things that are wrong with it, and then said, in summary I think I would like to say that his letter is intemperate and immoderate, and that in response I want to use a moderate and temperate word to describe it.  I would like to say that it is unkind.


But then later I remembered that four years ago I had a difficult conversation with another doctor - a GP.  So I am wondering if he is right, and I am an abusive person, after all.  And then the ground shifts from under me, and I lose myself again.

Thanks for saying I deserve better, Sela.  I will try to believe that.  ((((((hugs)))))))


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2005, 08:32:30 PM »
I did miss the 10 days' patience. I was reading (and yapping) too impatiently. I'm sorry. And yegods. I thought U.S. managed care was a mess. Well, it is, in that we only give it to lucky employed people with benefits, but it's efficient when it works.

As to you being abusive, as I read this I got an impression of a determined, resolute, and rational person dealing with a broken, irrational, wobbly system that is not making sense. You certainly make sense. Maybe your frustration at times makes you edgy when you have to hold their hands to explain to them how not to drop you between the cracks. But that hardly sounds abusive. Just frustrated.

I will telepathically try to keep you company in the waiting room...


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2005, 04:46:18 PM »
Hiya Hops.  I don't think my last post reads very well.  What I meant to say rather more is that I admire the Buddhist teachings of non intervention and  non violence, and that they are very important.  I also admire the respect they have for all of creation, which we could all learn from.  I am sure I am not patient enough, or calm enough.  Not by miles.

Today there appears to be a small glimmer of light.  The Complaints Manager rang me today to say she has spoken with the next pychiatrist along the line, who I have not met yet, but who I have now been referred to for an assessment and explanation of what is happening.  She discussed my situation with him, and he is bringing forward my appointment; currently set for 30 Nov.  He repeated to her the same as Dr I is saying; that there is unlikely to be any funding for further treatment.

This is the good bit.  In response, she told him that actually that is not his concern.  His job is to make an assessment, and then make a report to the Trust on the basis of that assessment, so that the Trust can then decide what is appropriate or not.   8)

Makes me wonder what kind of training these doctors get in terms of procedures and patient rights.

So by her telling me this today, it is kind of a big clue or hint that I am right to be concerned about the obstructive behaviour I have met with so far.  I still cannot dare to hope that my complaint will be upheld, because the cost of failure if I hope too much will be horrible.  But it is a good sign.


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2005, 10:18:44 AM »
All hail the Complaints Manager!
Dear October whom I don't know well, have you read Victor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning?
(It was written waaaay before they remembered women deserve pronouns too.)

If I DID know you, I would give you a copy, with a big hug.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2005, 10:00:44 AM »
Dear October whom I don't know well, have you read Victor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning?

Nope.  Should I?   :)


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Re: Letter from Dr Evil
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2005, 10:10:22 AM »
Yes yes yes. Everybody should.
It's a story that's hard, because it's about a concentration camp survivor.
There is all that to walk through with him. But where he takes you in the end is life-changing.

When I read it it actually rearranged my mind.

It's a very healing book. I'd love to know what you think.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."