Wow, Write, very good advice. I realized, not too long ago, that I have a very large capacity to tolerate pain--probably from having so much physical and emotional pain as a child. I always was almost perversely proud of my ability to handle pain, maybe because any expression of pain was frowned upon, so tolerating it became a virtue. Now, I can see that I have to guard against deliberately allowing myself to be in situations that cause pain. There's enough suffering in life we don't have control over. Why subject myself to it when I do have a choice?
Plucky, you asked if I planned on speaking to my mom about the way she treated me when I was a child. My first thought was that it wouldn't accomplish anything constructive unless she was very receptive--maybe bringing something up herself. It would really cause her a lot of suffering if she knew how I really felt about my childhood, and I don't want to do that. We don't live close to each other anymore, but I try to visit her once or twice a year, and we talk on the phone often. She did once apologize to me for the way she treated me when I was younger. It was kind of a generic apology, but meant a lot to me.
Since we have a decent relationship now, I'm trying to separate dealing with the memories of my childhood from the relationship we have in the present. Does that make any sense?