I find shame one of the hardest feelings to understand and deal with.
I read that guilt is something we put on ourselves when we do wrong but shame is something others put on us.
In a way.....that makes sense. These things are not spoken of and therefore seem shameful. If society spoke of the things that happened between you and TH as being understandable, you would probably not feel any shame. But such things aren't spoken of, even if two consentng adults are involved because there is something supposedly shameful in that speaking. Being abused is seen as shameful.....by some.
I disagree. Next century, the whole scene could change and stuff that is acceptable now might be the new shameful stuff and vice versa. It's like eating meat on Friday suddenly became NOT a sin, one day.

I never got that. I never thought it was a sin to begin with

(me and my rebel brain cell

Anyway....what I'm trying to say is Cadbury.......you were not acting shamefully.......he was. He manipulated you, conned you, coaxed you, threatened you, isolated you, belittled you, played you, picked at you, toyed with you, tested you, trained you and on and on. All you did was try to please him because when people love eachother......they do that. And there is some: autopilot (as Hopalong? put it) that seems to take hold when we are vunerable and hook up with such a snake. It issssssss like a spell or something (imo).
That's how I see what happened to you and like everyone else who has posted here, I admire your strength and honesty. I believe you are a very intelligent woman and perhaps part of your shame stems from the idea that intelligent woman don't get caught in the grip of snakes or fall into snake holes. That's pitooey, if you ask me because it wasn't your brain that got caught.......it was your heart. It was your brain that saved you, in the end!!! And being an intelligent brain.......it won't let your heart fall for such stuff again!!
