Hi all,
I was here last year, moved on to new things in life. I grew up with N father, depressed mother, N sis. I have recently been hit over the head with new information I would like to share.
One of my children was recently diagnosed with early onset bipolar disorder. I have spent hours and hours researching this terrible, biological mental illness. We have changed many ways in which we react in our family. After many trips to doctors, therapists, etc. I have discovered the illness is extremely heritable. I describe my father as narcissitic, depressed, mean, angry, possessive, abusive. I describe my mother as depressed, enabler, narcissitic in her own way. It was determined the mental disorder comes from my side of the family. No doctor ever said exactly how it was determined, but the symptoms are all there.
I just read in an article on bipolar disorder in kids that when left untreated, bipolar disorder can manifest itself into personality disorders such as narcissists, borderline personality disorder, etc.
One therapist explained to me and my child that when a parent has bipolar disorder in their immediate family, such as a father, mother or both, if the parent did not inherit the disorder, it is a high risk they will pass it to an offspring or 2. After thinking about it in detail, it occurs to me that my father was bipolar and it grew into full blown narcissitic personality disorder. To think that the right medication could have meant a completely different life for me and my family...
But then, if I had realized this disorder prior to having children. I may have been afraid to have a family. Ignorance is bliss...
I have read on this board about people who have children who now appear to be Ns. Bipolar goes untreated so much of the time, because the sick do not think they are sick. They may think they are depressed, but when they are manic, they think they are fine, the world is not, but they are just fine. Children as young as 3 are now being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. The kids that are having uncontrollable rages in public, or school, or punching holes in walls, screaming uncontrollably, hitting, cursing, hurting others physically, and cannot be stopped or they get worse and when it is over they cannot remember it, could be bipolar. Many get misdiagnosed as ADHD, as did my child. It took 5 years to get the correct diagnosis and on meds for bipolar, Stimulants such as ritalin can make bipolar symptoms much worse.
Worth some research I guess.