Well... It's been a long time since I updated. More than three years in fact!
I don't know how many of the people who remember me are here. I saw a post from hopalong but I haven't seen anyone else (but I've not done a massive amount of reading). I actually have good news!
After 6 and a half years in court we actually had a proper final hearing (our fourth!). Tithead represented himself and I actually had legal representation. After disputing his previous diagnosis of NPD because (he said) I had swayed the psychologist, he was ordered to be retested by a psychologist that I had never met. He was diagnosed with NPD. He argued with the psychologist ( of course!) and said that he had done some research and felt that the psychologist and not tested him correctly. He wanted the psychologist to use the new diagnostic that had not yet been published. The psychologist shot him down in flames and told him that under the new diagnostic they were moving away from diagnosing one particular personality disorder, and moving towards diagnosing people with a core personality type and elements of others. He said that under the new diagnostic, tithead would have a highly narcissistic core with elements of psychopath... It was a brilliant moment. I had to look down while that came out.
Tithead in court was something to see. He was representing himself, not because he had to, but because he knew he would do a better job than a lawyer. It was beyond terrifying when I had to take the stand and be questioned by him, but I addressed all my answers to the judge. When he questioned e psychologist it was actually awful to watch. It was the first time that I had ever truly realised that he cannot help what he is. He genuinely doesn't know that he is wrong. I didn't soften towards him, but I could clearly see the disorder and that was kind of weird. The psychologist proved him narcissistic in every single sentence he spoke. It was awful, but kind of gratifying.
Long story short, the judge refused all direct contact forever... He is allowed to write letters and that is all. Obviously he tries to push it. He has turned up at my parents house a few times, but that is nothing compared to having to see him. It was an incredibly long and painful battle, but I actually did it. I actually proved how dangerous he is and how damaging it would be for Alex to see him.
Anyway, I'm hoping that if anyone did remember me, that they see that it turned out ok and I am stronger for it.
I do have a phobia of relationships and tithead in particular, but my son is safe. Love to all, this board kept me going through the toughest time of my entire life. X