Oh waw ! Sela... Great ! Would you like to come and live with us to repell our rodents?
I think you are on the right track. Keep learning. You are totally right: Say 'no' and
indeed you do not owe anything to this freak. He is out of your life. He does not deserve
I was just going to add two comments following Plucky's revised discussion (besides that the 'oh'
answer is really good).
1) Try to substitute 'good' by 'nothing special' as much as possible. Follow up by
'no' when asked 'really? There must be something special. People must say he is beautiful.'.
You might like to try things like 'just average', etc... Hopefully, this freak will think that you
'polluted' his genes (Not the son you hold in your arms, the other one. The fantasy view he
has of.) and slowly leave. Send the movies, pistures, etc... to Plucky or some of your friends or your
neighbors, not to the freak.

You do not want him to think that you are a good bearer of his past and future (sorry for the
awful vision. It will NEVER happen.) kids. Let him think that he made a mistake by 'selecting' you.
2) I think that you are probably right on the 'polite distance'. My instinct is rather to avoid contact
(Oh well, I probably have pretty bad post-traumatic disorders by now). You do not have to have
any relations with this freak except during the legal obligatory times. He is not a member of your
family. I would recommend to not consider him as a member of your son family either. Do you see
what I mean? He is a stranger. It happens that he is the father of your son. Forget it. It is
not 'really' family. And it is NOT YOUR FAULT! (Don't feel guilty of anything. The 'mistake'
you made gave you a wonderful A

.) Just go with the legal obligatory contacts.
So... I am little long to say: a) don't hesitate to say 'I need to go. Bye.'.
b) I am ready to bet that it is possible in YIM (I know it is in AIM) to filter who can see you...
Hm... hm... You do not need to change your ID, he does not know that you filtered him (no power trip),
and you can live in your 'safe world'. Note that this option in YIM is because you have the
RIGHT to do it. You also have the POWER to use it.
Finally, it might be good to give a thought to Sela's strategy of inverting the power but I am
not sure of what the reactions will be (any woman who managed to or tried to tame a male N
who could recommend on this?). I am pretty sure the distance strategy will work.
You're doing great.
That's all I needed to say. (I am going to fade away from here at least for a little bit.) Keep posting.
I am sure that A is a good boy and that he will grow into a good man,