Cadbury, way to go!
I think you did a marvelous job of this visit and you will only get better at it. Ok .....just for fun....a creative recap:
TH: Blah blah blah
Cadbury: Hmmmm.......unhuh
TH: Sorry, blah blah blah, sorry, sort of, blah blah blah blah
Cadbury: unhuh? hmmmm. pardon? What? yeah right.
TH: I have a present for you.......chocolate.
Cadbury: Hmmm. What? oh....I don't do chocolate anymore. Stick it where the sun don't shine.
TH: blah blah blah
Cadbury: unhuh. hmmmmmmmm. yeah right.
TH: random odd nish blah blah blah
Cadbury: Huh? hmmmmm. yeah right.
TH: (looking over C's shoulder at math work) "I understand that.. ha now that surprises you doesn't it?!"
Cadbury: Quite a bit. Explain it.
TH: (thinks: dummm dee dumm dumm......phooey)...." (says nothing) "
Cadbury: Yep, you're a rocket scientist alright. Unhuh. Hmmmmmm.
TH: "How does it feel to be so much better at maths than me?"
Cadbury: "It feels wonderful! I love it!! I'm waaaaaaaaay better at soooooo many things than you are! Eat your sick little heart where was I......oh yes.......hmmmmmmmmmm"
TH: (looking at 6 month old A and speaking) "Look at you - you put everything in your mouth! Just like your mother", dirty tone, leery look.
Cadbury: (Maybe thought: Hey A! Don't worry about what TH is trying to feed you. It's not what goes in your mouth that matters. It's what comes out!) but says: Hmmmmmmmmmmm I'm off to the ladies room now as I really feel the need to purge!
A: whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah whah........

Cabury: (secretly)

Yesssssssss...........I think you did a marvelous job! Very well done! Glad you were thinking about what others here would like to say to TH.....and smiling on the inside. Wonderful!!
It just seems like he's trying soooooooooooooooooo desparately to get some trip you shock get you to react. You did a fantastic job of not giving him that!! And his disgusting comment makes me want to hurl!! Good for you for ignoring it!
Re: Sleeping through the night. I remember that!!!
