What a cool thread!

This one really got my cells a workin'

.....thanks for starting it Ceemee. I agree with so much of what's been said already and want to add:
When I think of what healthy means to me, I have to admit first ......it's a rolling scale. Like being a perfect human, I don't think there is such a thing as perfect health. But if I try to use just one word to describe what a basically healthy individual is, my choice word is.......content.
It just seems to me from past experience (how I personally felt when I thought I was as close to healthy as possible for me...yep.....I've been there

), and from being around some people who I view as "basically healthy"......it's that general feeling/expression of contentedness (is that a word?) that comes through. If I'm basically content within my own thoughts, my feelings and my body feels comfortable.....then I consider myself basically healthy. Going by my own definition then.......I know I've been healthier...so I don't know if you'ld want to stand beside me. On the other hand, I may be closer to basic health than a lot of people, so standing beside me might not be a terrible idea

. That isn't much help is it?

IMO physical health, mental health and emotional health..........are all separate and yet connected. Eg. If I'm phyically ill (say I have a cold), it can take away from my mental health (I might think waaaaay more negative thoughts than usual), and my emotional health might be outta wack too (I might feel angry, sad, anxious, frustrated, etc...certainly not content). Once the cold is gone, if I'm generally thinking good, positive thoughts, if I feel fairly glad about life, content inside emotionally, and if I'm comfortable physically......I might say......I'm basically healthy again.
Pretty well any disruption in one of these areas of health....will likely disrupt the rest. So that means ......if a person's mental health is off (even just by thinking in ways that they don't consider healthy), that can reflect on their emotional and even physical health. Being basically healthy includes all three areas, I think and they can and often are at different levels on the healthy scale, at any given time, but can be generally within the same range of......content/comfort. This isn't to say that one must always think lovely thoughts, feel wonderful feelings, or be completely enthused about our bodies. But generally.....much of the time....if we are comfortable and content with what we think and how we feel...we will be enjoying basic health, imo.
Where to find such individuals? I'm not sure there is a specific place or places where basically healthy people hang out. My best guess is that being basically healthy attracts other basically healthy people...so it's a good thing to strive to be basically healthy. Maybe we have to feel fairly content in order to be better judges of what that means and to be better at finding it in others? I do think it's a good idea to seek out and keep company with others who I admire for their attitude, apptitude for the positives in life and liveliness. Unfortunately, some people are good at faking all that.

It just seems certain that we are not healthy when we think about nasty stuff, feel upset and have aches and pains and I can't see how that would attract the basically healthy to us, or appeal to their desire to hang out with us. Maybe the trick is .......it takes one to know one......kinda thingy???
As to the theory that being connected to others/feeling loved is the cure for our broken hearts......
That makes a lot of sense to me but I wouldn't prescribe that for all unhealthy people. I think first....before we will really experience all that ......we have to get connected and feel love for ourselves. We almost have to give up the hope that some other person will come along and really envelope us in deep love and connect emotionally with us. That could happen......don't get me wrong.......but we might end up very disappointed if we rely on that happening, or if we wait for that to happen. Also, I really believe we need to feel that love and connectedness from something bigger than us.
For me....I feel lucky to believe I already have those things from God. But if one does not have that belief......I think it may be important to find it through some other higher power....be it mother nature or whatnot. If we feel a part of and connected to the world and the universe.......it seems easier to live in harmony with ourselves and others. There is still a lot of work involved....in striving to love and connect with people, because we are human and not able to act perfectly at all times, but I think it's gotta be easier for those who already feel they belong in the world and are a part of it all to get along with, share, connect and love other people.

Maybe feeling disconnected and unloved is the biggest sign of unhealthiness?

So the theory put forth by these docs seems logical to me....that fixing that will help us move toward basic health. We're most certainly not healthy with broken hearts....and love is a powerful thing.

((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs to all))))))))))))))))))))))))))
