Dear Posters,
I just found out from my sibling that his/her spouse is having an affair(in the interest of anonymity, I don't wish to disclose too many details). Spouse lied right up to the very moment that Sibling produced concrete, irrefutable evidence. I firmly believe that Spouse is continuing to lie to Sibling("it wasn't a sexual relationship," blah-blah-blah--when the hard evidence points to the fact that it was every bit sexual and romantic), although, IMO, Sibling is in denial and does not want to acknowledge the ugly truth of the matter((s)he is also in shock, I believe).
My question to the many wise folks on this board is this: what do I do? Of what way can I be of help to Sibling? (S)he is turning to me for comfort and counsel, and I don't want to steer him/her wrong. Next to Spouse, I am the only family that Sibling has, so I want to do the right thing. Here's the second part of the question: what do I do re: Spouse? The reason I ask is that Sibling has pulled away from Spouse, in need of time to think and process the shock of the blow, but Spouse is not allowing this to occur---to the point that Spouse showed up at my house the other day, banging on the door while Sibling was there visiting with me. Not only that, but I came home to find on my caller ID that Spouse called a number of times while I was out.
I have informed Sibling that I have absolutely no intention of "running interference" or doing damage control on behalf of Spouse. I told Sibling that I will support his/her decision re: reconciliation or divorce, but that I will not be manipulated into doing Spouse's bidding. I found the incident from the other day(at my home) to be inappropriate, and if Spouse is that brazen then it will only be a matter of time before this is going to come to a head, because Spouse will not stop there. I think that Spouse is out-of-control. What should I do? I think that Spouse is going to escalate this to a confrontation---should I answer the phone and just declare that I will not discuss this matter with him/her? Should I just let the voice mail pick up? or...should I get on the phone and tear this person a new orifice?(which is what I secretly wish to do). My sibling is going through hell right now, and just to make it more vivid---(s)he lost the support of the rest of our family when (s)he married Spouse. I'm the only one who has stuck by him/her, so now with this revelation, (s)he feels very much alone in this world.
I truly value the wisdom and insight of the folks who post here, so any suggestions you might have would mean a great deal to me. I apologize for the cumbersome read---I don't have a problem with the usage of gender-inclusive language, but I'm sure that all of these (s)hes and him/hers get a little tiresome. I just had to keep this as anonymous as possible in order to protect myself and my sibling. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. : )