Author Topic: How to learn to cope  (Read 4070 times)


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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2005, 12:59:45 AM »
Hi there mw,
moi agree with miss piggy.   for some reason the jerk is trying everything to hurt you, maybe because he knows in the empty space where his heart ought to be, that he really never ever deserved you.  Everyone else could see that, I'm sure he could too.  I guess he couldn't live with that knowledge forever, even if he was able to fool you for now.

If your friends are dissing him when they see him, Yay!   I am all for it. I hope they embarrass him, if that is possible.  Glad you have such friends, who are angry on your behalf.  I mean, if that is ok with you.  I personally want to kick his butt too.  I will do, if I see him out with that tramp.

If he comes crying again that your friends are 'upsetting' him, just say,
"if the shoe fits..."
"you made your bed, now lie in it"
just laugh hysterically,

You have no responsibility to this person.   He has shown not one whit of human kindness to you.  How dare he come to you now, when he ought to be supporting you in a very difficult moment, and ask that you do this or that for HIM, to make his outings with his tramp more pleasant?  Is he kidding?  Is he mad?   How oblivious can one be?

an incredulous


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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2005, 11:16:55 AM »
Hello everyone,
 thank you all again for your support. I'm trying to hang in there, I still have a knot in my chest and some people arent making things very easy. His sister called me last night, me and her were close and she was telling me that everyone hates this girl and they don't know what in the world he is thinking. That her and her mom miss me and wish I would come out to see them. It was so hard telling her that I can't right now, not because of them but because I don't think I would be able to handle it. Plus he is living there now.And I really don't want to hear about him and that trash.It's like I'm fine for awhile and then someone says something or I see ot hear something that reminds me of our relationship and I lose it. I still don't understand how he could do this to me.


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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2005, 04:39:35 PM »

One of the things that has really helped me has been to stay away from anyone who is connected to him.  It was hard at first because I knew a lot of people that knew him... but you know it has really helped, because every time I heard anything it was like i was right back to the day he left...  It may help to just say to people that you need a bit of space.  if they care about you they will understand....

Spyralle x

Sallying Forth

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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2005, 01:37:26 AM »
And now he is putting all the blame on me saying that I made him depressed because of my family problems( the abuse)...

((((((((((((((((mw19))))))))))))))) Hugs, sorry you're going through this crap.

This sounds like an abuser talking, blaming you because of your history. Typical abuser talk. Why Does He Do That? is a great book to read about abusers. It helped me understand their behavior and helped me heal. A lot of the book I could apply to my Nparents and Nbrother as well and their abuse.

You can't get the pain to go away without going through grieving. Grieving your losses is the only way out. The steps are shock, denial, anger, depression/sadness, resolution.

Sadly if you were abused as a child and you have not healed from that trauma, you will invariably choose someone who will abuse you. And finally you will abuse yourself either by staying in an abusive relationship where you lose yourself or by doing it directly to yourself. I hate this reality and yet found them very true. I hadn't healed from my abusive and neglectful childhood and found abusive and neglectful relationships.

In grieving I have learned to accept and love myself more and more each day.

Healing takes time. Be kind and patient with yourself.

And as another book title that I read says Ditch That Jerk!
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2005, 06:24:31 PM »
My life just changed forever today. I found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant, I told josh and he wants me to get an abortion. When I told him no way in hell and he said some very harsh things to me. I told him tha if he wants to be in the baby's life that's fine but he is NOT going to be a part time dad. I'm not hurt anymore I'm mad as hell, because of the way he is acting. right now my only concern is my child and making a great future for him/her. I know I have to take care of me and my baby and what is best for us. It is still hard though. All I can think about is what a happy family I could have if he wouldnt have betrayed me. I know even if he comes crawling back to me I can't take him back.


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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2005, 08:49:38 PM »
MW19; Sweetheart. You are right, your life has changed. Even if you were not to have this child, that, too, would change your life.
Please understand that even a man who does not want a pregnancy, especially if he is an N, WILL want some kind of control when the child is born. My next door neighbor, who is a flaming N, did not want his first child, did everything he could to talk the woman (a "casual date") out of the pregnancy, and then, when she had the child, took her to court to get parental rights.  NOw he repeatedly leaves the child in the care of his new wife while he leaves town on his visitation days.  This sounds typical to me for an N. My ex treats his children as chattel (and me too).

Talk to Cadbury.  She is dealing very well with this extremely difficult situation. She may have some great advice, or at least be a good support.

When you say you do not want him to be a part time dad, what do you mean? You realize you will have LOTS of contact with him if he is an "involved" dad, right?
He WILL be one of the most important (I didn't say good) relationships of your life, whether you want him to be or not. I didn't fully grasp the meaning of that when I divorced my N husband almost 10 years ago. You share a child. Frankly, you may get lucky and he will disappear, (ok, that's my fantasy), but at least here in the U.S., fathers have enormous rights, even abusers.
All I can think about is what a happy family I could have if he wouldnt have betrayed me.
But he did, sweetie. Try not to lose yourself in this thought.....
Take care of yourself. It's good that you have made a decision regarding your refusal to take him back, even in light of the baby.  My experience has told me, it's a rare person who cheats.....and then doesn't do it again.
Your baby has a wonderful, strong, loving mom. And contrary to what the "split "em down the middle joint custody" folks tell you, kids only need ONE good parent to be ok.  You get to be the good one.


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Re: How to learn to cope
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2005, 05:33:10 PM »
Hello there mw,
hang on.  You are in for an exciting ride!
Are you obligated to tell him what you decide to do?  Are you planning to ask him to support you two?  Do you even know what your plans are yet?
Anyway, you have some time to think about all that.  The main thing now is to take exceptional care of yourself and the baby.  Start taking vitamins right now!
a happy for you