Hi there Stay Human! I concur with everybody else's advice. Bear in mind, however, if things do get worse for you, you always have the option of going to some kind of mental health centre, look into free( covered by medical, again, don't know where you're posting from) counseling or use crisis lines if you become desperate. Sometimes, despite having the knowledge of healthy options, depression stops us from acting on them. I work in psychiatry and I too suffer from severe depression. So difficult when guilt, shame, rationalizing and feeling your situation isn't that important or bad, are so much a part of depression. I don't know if you are open to the option of possibly considering antidepressants- even short term- I know many folks are against and them and I understand the fear around this- but there are so many new ones that are effective with few/bearable side effects. For me, they along with counseling have literally saved my life. As far as therapy/counseling options are concerned- again, don't know if you live in a city or small town- but if you have a teaching university, they often offer services done by psych. grad students- totally supervised and often they are completely up to date on latest things. Usually covered by medical- again, don't know if this is so where you are. Also if there is ahospital that does psych. treatment, they also often have out pt. services. I don't know your possible resources, but if you have any kind of cognitive behavioural therapy courses available, I highly reommend them. Even though I work in the field, I have taken these courses several times and found them immensely beneficial. You may also have the option of finding a therapits, counselor or psychologist who offer therapy on what's called a sliding fee scale- means you discuss your ability to pay and they adjust the cost to fit your financial situation. good on you for being able to muster the strength to follow through on the excellent suggestions offered here! also bear in mind that no matter what the cause is of your depression, even untreated, it does lift! Thinking of you and sending yo light and energy( not to mention hugs!)- Moira