Hiya Bewildered:
Isn't it incredible how very N some people act??

It just floors me!
As ifffff she had not pitched you away like a child does with an unwanted toy...she makes sweety nicey.
As ifffff she has some residual owner's rights over you... she drapes her arm...like you're her bud.
As ifffff you are her closest confidant...and without empathy or regard to your feelings...... she tells you details about her new boy friend.
As ifffff you care and assuming you would have no choice but to be stilllllll interested in her... she dangles candy in front of your eyes.....a precious, priceless dance with her-wonderfulness?
As ifffff she is totally not worth wasting another minute on......you get up and go away!!
Good for you Bewildered!!! Fantastic!! That's the exact thing to do, imo!!!
And then.....as ifffffffffff she has something to say that you would be minutely interested in, as iffffffffff she might be able to play you one more time.....she sends you an email. (Or maybe she's ticked that you didn't jump at the chance to dance with her.....or maybe she's confused as to why her hooks aren't grabbing and so she's trying a different angle????).
But you promptly ignor and plan to delete that Nish email!!!
Bravo Bewildered!!! Way to go!! Do it!! Push delete!!!
You're so right....you don't want a connection with this one!!! Good for you!!
You deserve a woman who treats you with honour and respect, not one who's trying to fish you in and throw you back, over and over again for sport!!