I wished I had posted this because I have this exact same problem. Everyone please keep posting because you'll be helping us both! 
I'll just add the following for myself:
1. It wasn't valued to be a girl in my house so I didn't value and I was not trained to be a hostess. My parents did not have their own friends over until we kids were grown. They hated having other children over.
Trained as a hostess? I believe we are not trained but actually have a gift in that area. I know that is NOT my thing because I am an introvert. For some it comes naturally, no training needed.
And when it is not natural maybe it is OCPD and NPD all wrapped into one precious, disgusting gift. The gift that doesn't keep giving.

My Nmother the car ... owned by others but thinking she owns them.

Anyway, she is the hostess elite and was never trained! Comes with the territory of being NPD and OCPD. Everything has to be PERFECT ad nauseum. The perfect menu which has been written over and over again to PERFECTION. The meal which is planned over and over again to PERFECTION. The guest list which is written ... you get the idea.
And as for N's they are also into the PERFECT home, the PERFECT guest list, the PERFECTED etc.
Maybe this could be used for the perfect avoidance of people too?
2. I think part of my problem is a home is an extension or expression of one's self and I seem to be very guarded or quiet about my opinions and expressions of personality outside the home (the voicelessness). If you come to my home, you will know much more about me and that makes me uncomfortable.
My home is a reflection of me. At this point in time it reflects what is going on inside of me, grieving. I am going through so many of the stages of grieving at once and my home reflects that disarray. I am learning to be okay with that. This is where I am emotionally right now. I've got piles of receipts in my office. I have the filing cabinet for them but they don't get put away. At first I thought it was because of being globally oriented because I am an introvert. However after finding the stages of grieving on a pet loss website I realize this is quite normal. I am healthy! Whoopeee!!!!!!!!

3. Other women live to be Martha Stewart and very much compete in this arena. I throw in the towel in advance to say "you win".
You mean other women are ANAL RETENTIVE LIKE MARTHA AND MY MOTHER! The psychoanalytical word for someone with OCPD is ANAL RETENTIVE. I found that recently and started laughing so hard. Yep, that is my mother.
I can see her right now, in her 80's, flitting around the kitchen in a frenzy, checking her menu, checking this and that. It's Thanksgiving and everything must be PERFECT. How anal retentive! How so sick! And sitting down at the table for dinner or even sitting down to visit you feel as if you shouldn't be there messing up HER PERFECT world. The tension in the room is so thick and heavy you couldn't cut it with sharpest machette. And conversation? What is that but another onslaught of perfectionism. Get it right and you are okay with her and him and him (mom, dad and brother - all N's).
I believe that because my N and OCPD mother was so demonstrative with her behavior I went the opposite direction. Yet I fought with myself for years trying to discover whether this was alright for me. It finally is. I am comfortable with what is right now. And if that changes, it does.
However I will never, thankfully, be like my anal retentive mother. Another thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I AM ME!!!
And guess what? I'm hosting Thanksgiving, although that's different because it's family. I am very much judged and tell myself I don't care what they think. I don't want their approval or disapproval. I don't have a kitchen equipped with Williams Sonoma or Deluca whatever stuff. I just want to get along. I just want to relax. I don't want to have to perform. But I wish I could accept this about myself. I think I basically lack self acceptance.
You hit the nail on the head - self acceptance. If I am okay with me the way me is then it doesn't matter what others think of me. It doesn't matter about my home because it is NOT an extension of me. It might very well be a reflection of me but it is certainly not an extension of me.
I've learned that some women love house work and hosting and I am thankfully NOT one of them. I am a true introvert. I love my peace and quite and space. I don't enjoy big gatherings. I don't like parties. I like small intimate, close knit gatherings where I enjoy the people's company. My family does NOT fit that criteria and never will. I accept this and love the me I am.
Today I am fixing my Thanksgiving dinner for me! I got the foods I love. I got some special treats. I bought myself a puzzle, 1000 pieces, and I putting it together in between writing here, washing dishes, writing in my journal, playing games online, doing research, exercising, and making my dinner. It is me, myself and I and I love it. I've got music going. My house is a mess and I don't give a crap! Who really cares! My insides are a mess because I'm grieving. I'm accepting me. Accepting my life. Accepting where my life is headed. And I am excited ... to say the least!!!

I am thankful today for things I would not have been thankful about even yesterday. One perfectly orchestrated and divine meeting with a very special lady changed my life in a moment.