Hello Stranded,
How are you doing? I agree with Plucky, watch your back while you wait for the other shoe to drop. But stick to your guns.
Well, my SIL finally nailed the last nail in the coffin! She did her usual crazymaking at work and, long story short, she had a huge part in someone resigning from the company just weeks away from Christmas. That was it for my husband. I think she behaved in such a way that we both have no guilt about never having any contact with her and the rest of the Ns. My husband said, see I told you they are that evil, you didn't believe me. I didn't. I guess there is a threshold that you reach, and then one day you have just seen enough and you've taken all that you can take. So we are in perfect agreement over them, and I finally have some inner peace. Not too much anger. Just one big shake of the head, and a silent goodbye and good riddance.
Yes, when my SIL adopted her second "doll" after refusing to take responsibility for the first one and expecting everyone else to raise them both for her while she basked in her glory of being so "generous" and "kind hearted", we all pulled back never to return. I know that her H did NOT want to adopt another child because he was carrying the load for both of them when he wasn't successful foisting it off on the other women of the family. This woman couldn't even hold, touch, or look at the first one when he needed her. She is so cold. But outside the house, totally friendly!!! We call her sybil for her multiple personalities. My bottom line is the safety of my kids. I consider her craziness a huge danger to my kids' welfare and I don't exaggerate.
But my H was initially concerned that I would fall back under the spell because of guilt or social pressure. This was a legitimate concern. This is when I got therapy and support from a counselor. I was very fragile during this time. I still have to work on holding boundaries and not having to please everyone. This is the gift of all this crap. I've learned to stick up for myself and not feel bad about it.
Now that you are familiar with evil Nness, you will recognize it more and more in the world around you. It opened my eyes up to my Ndad's problem. You may need to do more work on how to hold your boundaries, because believe me, your Ns will keep trying to bring you back in. Read the thread about the letter from someone's cousin... They will try to find the right phrase to wiggle under your skin "you don't care, you're selfish, not nice, not forgiving, mistaken, not loving," etc. They don't care if their words are true, they just want their words to
work on you. Hold tight to your truth.
As for your friends, no one will admit to having a narcissist in their midst because a) they haven't had the big revelatory moment you have had yet, b) they're in denial, c) they are not in denial but think that's the way the world is, d) it just isn't a problem for them, or e) they don't want to admit they cowtow to bullies or f) some mixture of these and more. OR they might be N themselves.

Don't look for validation of your decision from your friends. You know you did the right thing for you. They are not affected by this person so their opinion truly doesn't matter.
Keep up the good work. MP