Hi everyone,
Thank you all for your posts. I feel so grateful for your concern and all of your insights.
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and not a peep from the N's. My H just remarked that his mother sure must be mad. My guess is that if she were sad, there would be a lot more desperate calls trying to get him to come back into the fold. So I think it is her stubborn pride, waiting for her son to call her, since she has done nothing wrong of course, as always!
My H's stance is basically avoidance. But avoidance to me is so defenseless. You're just watching the bombs fall out of the sky and running for cover. I guess it is the path of least resistance, just perfect for my H, the king of passive agressiveness! I'm still trying to figure out exactly why this whole situation is bothering me so much. I feel like I think about it all the time, and my H never does. I don't understand this all, his reactions, my reactions. I feel pretty alone, thus my screen name.
Yes, my SIL and MIL are both very possessive of my H. I think my MIL never felt like she had any control in her own life that she really relished having such dominion over her children's lives. An example - my H thinks that she basically convinced and browbeated her daughter to marry someone that SHE herself approved of.
But really, I should not be so distressed about our break from them. But as a mom, I just feel so sad for them that they are missing out on my son's life. My MIL helped to take care of my son for 2 years and saw him half the week. And now she's seen him twice for a few hours in the last year. It's her fault, and she's doing this damage to herself, but I can't help but hurt for them. My H says that that in itself says that just proves her to be a N, that her pride is more important than being with her grandson, and that she really doesn't care about any of us. So why do I care?? I just don't understand myself. We just got my son's first school pictures, and I would love to send them to the N's, but it ultimately is just a reminder of what they have lost, and then we start the whole drama up all over again.
I think what also leaves the N's so bewildered is that he won't talk to them, so the exile is coming from nowhere, in their eyes. Thus, this must be all of my evildoing! They say, yes, we have problems, but we don't deserve to be cut off. After all, it's not like we killed anyone! So I understand what they're saying and say this to my husband, and he says, you don't know, you didn't have to live with them. He keeps saying that his life is so much more peaceful now. And he gets really frustrated and angry that I don't understand, that I don't believe him that it is just much better without them.
I guess this is a question for my own soul-searching, but if my H acts as if he could care less about them, that I think more about them and their feelings than he does, then why do I care so much?? Part of it is my desire for a large extended family, but I suppose quality is more important than quantity. Maybe I just don't feel any closure or something... Things are better now, maybe they are finally giving up, but it was pretty bad before. I would have hours-long emotion-filled conversations with my FIL about how distraught his family was over the break, and it made me feel so guilty. I think they were using my guilt to manipulate me - they were always saying that I had a role to play in all of this, and I wasn't doing anything but sitting back, so then they were starting to think that it was my master plan - to attack and watch the carnage ensue! My H used to say too that I must not really love him, that I needed to stick up for him and defend him from their onslaughts. That has all died down. I was getting too stressed out, and I started to take care of myself first. I stopped picking up the phone, and I stopped talking to my FIL about anything but pleasantries.
But I liked what daylily essentially said - I should concentrate on making our own nuclear family a more cohesive one. Thinking more along those lines, I should focus on making it the family that I want and deserve, and let go of the family I got stuck with! And I need to focus on the people who love me, not on the people who don't even like me or respect me.